Welcome addition to the heading "diy. At this time we publish a piece of practical advice, which we hope will help owners of Pocket PC from Hewlett-Packard to avoid calling a service center. Experience in the removal of the mobile device from the "coma" caused by a failure or malfunction reflashing the motherboard, shared with us the reader Andrew Lezov. We remind you that the editors HPCru not responsible for the failed experiment. Those who dare to use our instruction, we invite you also to participate in the diy with their stories and tips for a "cure" or improve the Pocket PC. About how to get to the page HPCru will be available at the end. C The case of the history of the CCP is sometimes similar to those described below, which, in my opinion, it is possible to understand yourself. But first things first. As a sample for review, we take the CPC model HP iPAQ h1940. Sometimes, when flashing or failure of the motherboard PDA falls into the "To". His life showed only the inscription on the screen - HP Invent and figures, it means the current veriyu BootLoader'a, in our case 1.07. We explain that Bootloader - firmware that is responsible for the preparation of the operating system your PDA to its initialization. Machine out of this state, as a rule, it is impossible to deduce. Will not help any shortcuts, or a full reset. But, nevertheless, there is a chance to save the CCP without involving the service center and repair at the factory.