The most high-profile projects this year - certainly, the action is to develop a preference for PocketPC and Palm. How to start a project can be found at the site, but we also take a look at the alpha version of the game, courtesy of Site Moscow Palmklubom represented by the project coordinator Andrei Kuznetsov. So, I open the letter with the coveted beta. Alpha version of the game is a file WinCE_EN_Preferance.exe, size 317 KB (not bad!). Although the version is marked as "English (EN index in the name), messages in the game are given mainly in Russian (some places only have English in the names of buttons and menus). While for the installation does not use any special equipment, they will appear later. So just drag the file in a carefully created catalog \ Program Files \ Pref \ and run it from File Explorer (or whatever, you are familiar shell).
Bah, what we see! Habitual green field "Marriage" (it was used as the basis for the preference for PocketPC, I must say that in general, and the other was not), with the logo in the center of the field, and menus. From the menu, several items - Game, enigmatic "V. .." (In fact, everything is simple - it is a bullet) and Tools (with the only item About).
Shaking hands, select the Game, New ... A window opens the game settings. You can specify a name, select a partner (the classical student, Bachelor and Master), but if you want by clicking the Game, go to the window of configuration options. Through it.
Just say that many fields have not yet active - this is future. General tab allows you to configure "Length bullets," "Game Type" (still hard-coded "sochinka, but it seems more planned and" Leningrad "," growth "and" Mixed "). The number of players still can not be customized (the field is disabled), "Miser" ("M-9-foot" and "M-9-IBE-9bp)," First Move "(" In the light "and" In the Dark ") and" Konsolyatsii when hoisted "(10 to 15, or whist, although I really like some still have not heard that they were in the prefecture sochinke ... but the thing is, age play and learn).
In the tab "Wist" gives the options "cost" ("Half of the cost of the game" or "full cost of the game)," Desyaternaya game "(" Checking "or" Vista ")," Type vista "(" Gentleman "or" Zhlobsky " , there is clearly not enough, but the way in the "marriage" there are only two), "Responsibility for 8 and 9 of bribes (" Both VIST "or" Last ") and" Miscellaneous "(Vist Paz Polvista", "Care no three no whist "," Stalingrad (whist at 6 peak).
Bookmark "Raspasy" gives options "Progression (" Missing (x1 x1 x1 x1 ...)", "Ogre. Arith. (X1 x2 x3 x3 ...")," Ogre. Geometer. (X1 x2 x4 x4 .. .), "Unlimited. arith. (x1 x2 x3 x4 ...")," Unlim. geometer. (x1 x2 x4 x8 ..."), "Exit" ("Simple (6, 6, 6, 6 ...)", "difficulties" (6, 7, 7, 7 ...)", "hardening (6, 7, 8, 9 ...)") and" Other "(" Open prikup "" Exit hoisted). look, to fix something for themselves, then OK and click Start.
Traditional alignment, all in the same way as in "Marriage." Tips on the current action are displayed in the top row (and not so visible). Management and interface - familiar from the "marriage", so everything is clear right away. Until that moment I was looking forward to the game, so like a true foodie tried to delay the start of ... And rightly so. The first few minutes showed that it is precisely the alpha version. Alignment of repeats. That is, if you leave the game and run it again, we see the same cards. In any case naughty. At vosmernyh-devyaternyh games to play do not like. Rented, traded, but in the end, preferred to lose, even with very good cards (earnings before that devyaternoy game and tambourines in trumps, if I have a scenario, the only bubnushki, fold both). In the love of raspasam (both Windows-version of "marriage"), by the way, is not seen. Gear-semernaya game is played normally, albeit with nonsense, as without it (take the six-game one-trick with a decent layouts - it should be able to), but is playing. But I must say that while the picture looks like until the debugging interface and basic functions of the program (rules, interface, management, and so on) while stuck terribly truncated core, which a person (whether to simplify the process, whether to accelerate) does not play, but when am feeling that you have to spend some time on account, simply folded. Let's hope that it so far. In addition, there are visual bugs (wryly written text, lines that do not fit into the allotted them a place neprorisovki, etc.) and global strangeness (more error) - the player on the left shows is not the trump card, which really is (besides, it seems he is also changing, but here not sure). Plus, oddly bought the game rules a player does this more often, not paying attention to what, to whom came map. If passes, then you vistuete, for some reason begins to play, although I must sit in silence yourself. On misere for some reason in the field to indicate ordered the game draws a simple figure 9. A couple of times early in the game - player believes "and all, I had the once in five minutes of waiting, then stopped. In the pool is not showing the alignment (that is, "Maryazhe). With closed whist somehow see the map. According to the developers, the problems are known - and now they are still working on getting it fixed, have at least made a new design (version yet). And soon, if developers will not have insurmountable difficulties, the program will be ported to the Palm OS. In conclusion ... anyway thank you very much! Yes, let the damp. It is still buggy. There are a lot of work. But - prefecture runs on PocketPC. Cheers, gentlemen! Screenshots layouts with a few games that illustrate the typical places, you can see here, in the end. Sources, Materials: