The other day we were lucky enough to deal with a new PDA Sony CLIE - model PEG-S300. I must say that the official Sony CLIE no one in Russia and, as reported by the Moscow representation Sony, in the near future is expected. And it is a pity, because the device is very nice and has good technical characteristics. Unfortunately, we were unable to conduct a full test, but some of my thoughts on the new items to share with pleasure.
Sony CLIE - very light and compact device: the weight is exactly the same as a Palm V, but the size CLIE bit thicker and narrower. Compare CLIE logical is with Palm V. By design - as you like, but most people who were holding in their hands CLIE believe that Palm V design more stylish. Screen sizes and fields of the same graffiti, monochrome screen, which is nice, very bright and clear. Stylus for Sony CLIE significantly better in quality and appearance than those that come with the devices, Palm. If we talk about sound, signals, compared to Palm V, played much louder.
And now the fun part. One of the most important features of the Sony CLIE - is the availability of expansion slots standard Memory Stick. Of course, this opens up tremendous opportunities to work with the CPC. Another innovation from Sony - it's a scroll wheel Jog Dial, through which work with the operating system and application software is easy and convenient. Very pleased that the lights on the CLIE is not inverted. Still, manufacturers of PDAs tend to reject this type of lighting - too many opponents.
We have tried to install the CLIE crack from the company PhysTechSoft (see photos) - PaPiRus works without problems. Is that without the Russian language were new built-in applications from Sony. On the functions these applications - the standard, but Sony has improved their and added new features. For example, improved Address Book: field appears for a photo (on this model - for black and white). In addition, a software to store data on the card Memory Stick, PG Pocket software to create presentations and photo albums.
We will try to conduct a full testing devices as soon as it we will. And really want to hope that the Russian representative office of Sony would reconsider his view on the issue of delivery CLIE in our country. A Sony headquarters in Japan decides to start selling Sony CLIE color model in Europe. Or to start at least in the U.S. - something already. The authors, translation: