Everything is new - it is well forgotten old. Trite truth, but that it best reflects the situation in the area of tablet PCs ... Frankly, the emergence of Tablet PC we are waiting with great interest. First, the fate of this technology is quite easy to predict. Second, anticipate that easy, but it is impossible to predict the outcome. This is also the creation of Microsoft, and how many have you seen a failed project in the world's largest corporations? .. Although this is also about the opinions diverge. However, failures in short supply. One of them - an attempt to release an operating system for Tablet PCs based on Windows 3.1 (in its present name for Pen - Ink). Bill Gates himself in one of his books, admitted disappointment that befell him in a test of this system in practice. Operating system simply did not recognize you, and this computer at work was inconvenient. The failure of failure, but the product was released and appeared on the market Tablet PCs - devoid of the keyboard machine, equipped with touch-sensitive to touch, screen and complete "notebook" a set of embedded devices. Gradually formed generalizing the name of the computer - "web-tablet, although any standards simply did not exist. One of the first such computer (name, if not mistaken, in Russian sounds as "Dauphin") in the early nineties and fell in Russia. No luck selling it, so the computer has remained practically unnoticed. But I still managed to try out this machine at work. Time prigasilo brightness of first impressions and completely erased some of the details. But one thing I remember clearly - this "Dauphin" seemed to me absolute nonsense ... the years passed. Manufacturers of portable computers released tablet computers, which until Russia has not traveled, and the rest of the world's great demand not have won, taking only a small part of the corporate markets. Then came the first pocket computers based on Windows CE. Over time, they were divided into several families. Small cars have lost the keyboard, classic handheld `s mostly died out (leave a memory of a Lost Dreams, and a couple are still evolving models) and gave rise to another class of devices - subbloknotnye diskless computers running all the same Windows CE. But then died out and they are ... Now everything is back to square one. That is the big keyboard computers based on Windows CE partially revived in the guise of yet unknown to us besklaviaturny Tablet PC. But at the same time revived, and tablet computers with hard drives is designed for a special edition of the operating system Windows XP for Tablet PC. So the question - what will the new family car Tablet PC - can be answered in some measure only looking back, because it was in the past, we can find answers to most questions. How's the old American movies - "Back to the Future"? That's it ...
Minimum movements
Prior to the official publication of the Tablet PC platform remains a little more time, so we can talk about these computers only in the alleged manner. Although the probability of error is very small - about the Tablet PC is so much said and written that hit the mark quite a challenge.
Originally conceived as a Tablet PC only diskless machines that are running a special operating system - the successor to the unforgettable Windows CE. But here it was reported that a CE is not limited to that within the Tablet PC is possible to produce more powerful systems, equipped with hard drives and all that are equipped with "normal" notebooks - the sound and video system, a complete set of expansion slots and ports. To date, the operating system suitable for use on diskless Tablet PC, there is - it suddenly stalled Windows CE.NET.The list of technical specifications Tablet PC stringent restrictions, which were at the announcement of palm size computers are not available. This is understandable, the first palm size cars were forced to compete with the popular Palm `s who seized much of the PDA market. The devices are large and heavy, even at high functional equipment against small democratic Palm `s chances were not significant. Therefore, developers have proposed a potential buyer computers in dimensions Palm `a, but with more powerful hardware and software filling. What it has - you see yourself (as a minimum, a serious redistribution of the PDA market).
With the Tablet PC the situation is quite different. They have no one to compete as the market Tablet PCs completely developed. In fact, it's not even release a revolutionary platform, and another attempt to use old ideas in order to form a new niche - besklaviaturny laptops ... I think that Gates be interested in, say, sheetfed scanner, the noise would have been no less - at the same level of "innovation . But it's Gates, he knows better ... What is a diskless version of the Tablet PC? Roughly the same as "screen" half a laptop keyboard deprived parts. That is - a small area aktivnomatrichny color screen diagonal of 10.8 inches (maybe 6 or 12 - hard install from Microsoft seems to be no) and a resolution of SVGA or XGA, equipped with a touch layer for pen input, and set in a compact body. In the first Tablet PC will be installed the same processors that are used in modern PDA Pocket PC. That is, StrongARM and XScale processor clock speed from 206 to 400 megahertz. But we can assume that with the release of new processors (Windows CE.NET does not impose restrictions on their use, as opposed to Pocket PC 2002, which permitted only one type of CPU) their appearance on the Tablet PC does not take long.
Incidentally, in common between the Pocket PC and Tablet PC diskless option than it might seem. The difference in size, only in size. And, perhaps, in the amount of expansion slots - because it is small size, handheld computers preclude the installation of the CPC set of slots at once (without any kind "jackets" - PC card, CompactFlash, MMC / SD, and etc., etc.). Not for nothing is one of the Tablet PC prototypes created in laboratories, Compaq and demonstrated at the spring exhibition in Hannover (Cebit) looked like an enlarged copy of the iPaq `Yes. It turned out funny and cute. Like a pocket-sized machine to a modern Gulliver ... In the first computers, Tablet PC, some parameters seem to be too high of promotional considerations. Take, for example, amount of RAM. 128 MB - good or bad? For the price of the computer is not very much, for the operation of the system - without any special advantages, since the software for CE.NET is not so demanding on the memory size, and the user Tablet PC, as the owner of Pocket PC, can he buy a memory card of this size, what he needs . Particular emphasis in the Tablet PC is on wireless communications. Adapters Bluetooth or Wi-Fi should be present in the computers initially. GSM and GPS modules can be connected via an expansion slot ... But the same thing we see in older models of Pocket PC - in the older model iPaq or Toshiba, for example. What is revolutionary in the Tablet PC? What should plunge us into the sweet euphoria? That is designed to entice users rassuponit their wallets? And nothing ... Big screen, solid weight (from 800 grams or more - depending on the diagonal of the screen and frame sizes), the absence of the normal keyboard ... However, the keyboard will be virtual. Moreover, so great that the keys can be pressed with your fingers rather than stylus. (And then endlessly scour doroguschy matrix). The problem of food and I do not say. The device is great, the places in the body should be enough for very high-capacity batteries.But the power of a large matrix appropriate. So that the autonomy of a Tablet PC will be approximately the same as that of the Pocket PC - for the trip to the couch just right for multi-day trips - alas ... And, of course, light. Realize a large screen showing the backlight - so knowingly waive its uniformity. If the light is the same as in conventional laptops, that is nondisconnectable, then on the "field" applications, Tablet PC, you can forget. Do not make out there was nothing - at more or less bright, natural light ...
Maximum patience
Treat six months or a year from the handheld computer, you start to take your laptop to another. Annoying slowness of loading the operating system - seemingly about the same, Windows, and downloaded a few minutes. The Pocket PC is - seconds. Once or twice and you're done. Now imagine a portable tablet computer (designed to work on weight and not on the table) that is running Windows, God forgive me, XP ... you should quickly open the database, run a word processor or spreadsheet. Well, there is record something, or conversely, to look quickly. A machine just four minutes to boot ...
Disk device option Tablet PC is nearly the same device a conventional laptop. Winchester, which connects the outside (although I have seen in the announcements and internal) drive CD-ROM. Sound system, two-dimensional graphics accelerator (for toys Tablet PC is not very suitable). Keyboard connector - as, indeed, and diskless congregation. Somehow, the developers believe the ability to connect standard (which is likely to be proprietary and therefore expensive) keyboard extraordinary achievement ... Next - processors. Economical (but creepy "brake") Transmeta Crusoe, mobile versions of the Pentium III and, presumably, IV (not anymore, so in the future). Nothing extraordinary, right? Set of ports - including the video for an external monitor. Built-in wireless data transmission (the same Bluetooth or Wi-FI - depending on the preferences of the manufacturer). "Notebook" Winchester and the same lithium battery ... Because of what fuss? Ah yes, the touch screen. Muddy, soft, next to the laptop quite flimsy ... I think not? Why then not seen much hype around desktop LCD monitors with touch screen? Or simply - on removable touch-screens that put on regular monitors? Technology is good and in some cases irreplaceable. But only for special applications.
The gun on the wheel
Distract and detailed technical arrangement Tablet PC, and try to try a novelty in itself. Count up - he needs us, is whether in real life, is it worth your money?
All these questions can be answered in the negative - do not need no help, not worth it. Tablet PC portable machine, but close to the Pocket PC look like a monster that exists. Imagine, for example, reading a book with a screen this tablet ... tedious (you'll crush my stomach - if you read lying on the couch). Or imagine a posted a long gave a man who needed quick access to any information. To carry a half a kilogram of electronic services, so even without the customary keyboard (by the way, the weight of hard drive-equipped Tablet PC because of the presence of the drive and higher capacity batteries will be just about half kilograms)? And battery life is relatively small, and the capacity of programs (version for Windows CE.NET) are limited. Is it not better in this case, grab a full laptop? Finally - the price. One can assume a crush at the doors of a computer store, which sells 800-dollar Tablet PC. But the landslide of 2000 the demand for dollar toy (and you can wait and much more - in 2500-3000 dollars - the price), it is unlikely ... rose sharply as to reduce the cost of computers is expected.Active matrix of large size, so even with the touch sensitivity is itself not cheap stuff. Add to this the cost of components, payment of the current developments, the cost of licenses for the operating system from Microsoft. Yes and a small print run of production of the first Tablet PC will know. In the end, this is not a game console on which the stare and the old and young ... What - the new machines did not find a demand? I think they find. Firstly, they are perfectly suited for a variety of corporate applications. For example - in the banking sector. An employee of the bank, equipped with just such a computer with a wireless network connection will have access to any necessary for databases. Or in education, where the Tablet PC can serve as a wireless multimedia terminal (today's schools use a conventional PC with a wired network connection or portable "Macintosh equipped with proprietary wireless module). Or to trade here Tablet PC will serve as a convenient tool for quick calculations and taking into account the movement of goods. It was the same in the storage business. However, in the field of topography. And so on ... We are talking again, on specialized applications for which need and special software, and possibly a special performance of themselves Tablet PC. Like industrial PDA that is available in "armored clothes" and enhanced "foolproof" (among other things, the most that neither is a technical term in non-offensive sense - button to remove the excess, there you have referred to defense). Speaking of the Tablet PC as a technological breakthrough ... No, not really. Even handwriting recognition in his works one hundred percent (I want to believe). Even the human voice, he will understand at a glance (so far not a damn thing does not understand). All the same, for thoughtful work we connect to this tchotchke normal keyboard. Or a skin-five hundred, so take a good laptop. With a laptop, it still ... more reliable. PS "Tablet", shown on the last picture, just yesterday was provided by Acer. The official presentation of the platform scheduled for November. The authors, translation: