In the new era with the HandEra

In the new era with the HandEra


Reviews Handera 330 on foreign Web sites begin with a story about the screen. Everyone decides for itself whether it is a major advantage, but one thing is certain: the screen is really wonderful. 16 shades of gray, QVGA resolution of 240x320, non-inverted type of lighting standard Casio Illuminator - those dry characteristics do not pass that enthusiasm, which he calls those who saw him in action. Just press the power button and run any program (preferably one of the built-in, to feel the difference) - and a clean, sharp image leaves no doubt. The first word that they can say afterwards: "I want!". Of course, his role and well-chosen fonts (there are 8 pieces for all tastes), and "virtual" graffiti area, but all the same screen, excuse the pun, striking first. Perhaps the black-and-white screen is not the best solution for gaming enthusiasts, but the text and fine graphic details look great, even slanted lines at HandEra "obtained" no effect "ladder".