AirSetup for Pocket PC: downloading the software from the air

How often have you had to deal with programs for desktop PCs without installer? Is it convenient to first copy the files, then manually create all the necessary labels and place them (and to correctly uninstall a program, we must remember where some files are)! - Clearly, it is inconvenient. That's why some time ago for the rapid spread of software for handheld computers needed to be, at least, a computer programmer. And what a great little helper is worse? - Nothing, - said St. Petersburg's software company and Spb Software House has released a utility AirSetup. This is a program for the desktop, creating installers for handhelds based on the finished *. cab files. Before you test a unique overview of new items. When you use the willy-nilly, have to deal with all the keys, therefore, give a complete list of them and talk about the purpose of: - appname - name of the program for which you are creating an installer - cpu - here is meant for a PDA with a processor which will install the software. Very useful feature - cveryaet type of processor installed in the PDA when creating the installer (it happens that the installable program can "go" only one type of processor, but on the other - no). - Cab - here should indicate the name of the *. cab file for its subsequent conversion of installation *. exe file - readme - a reference to a file whose contents will be automatically shown when you start the installation. Also pretty handy thing (you can, for example, insert the short description of the functions of the program or any important details that need to be taken into account when working with it). The file must be in the format *. html. - Out - therefore the name of the file to be created - eula - an indication of the file with a license to install the software. The file must be formatted in plain text (*. txt), which can create even in Notepad on Windows. - Installdir - PDA folder where you want to install the software. The key is optional (if no default folder will be a file with the name of the program itself). - Nocustomdir - using this option allows you to prevent users from installing applications in a folder other than specified when creating the installer key installdir. The key is also optional. Now, shared his impressions of working with the program and at the same time try to understand how it is necessary and convenient to use. About the need. Useful AirSetup, most likely either the developers or the sellers or distributors of software. However, the "highlight" of the program lies in its optimization technology, Over the air (wireless Internet), which is actively used by various sites, including the famous online shop And really - a way to install software may become more popular. Why do I have a Pocket PC with internet access, say, Pocket PC Phone Edition, to spend time installing software through the desktop, where you can download them directly to the handheld? But everything is not so simple. The fact that the software that is distributed in the form of *. cab files, there are some serious drawbacks.