Ancient Evil. Best game of the month.
Kingdom Olindsiya was small. Its inhabitants knew each other quite often and loved to meet in taverns and discuss the most incredible news. Along with many rumors, without which it can not do either one, not even the Magic Kingdom, a favorite topic of conversation had terrible stories about the Underground. According to legend, he created the demigods, the great elder, for a long sleep after creating the world. They said that the dream of the Great guard never sleep ghosts. Go there, none of the residents of the glorious kingdom did not dare, and prisochinit Olindsii in love, so that mythical place overgrown with each passing year new chilling details. That is why the ad wizard Alaric's decision to go to Pyatilese in most of which was hidden dungeon, it was greeted with such trepidation. His decision was discussed by all - those who suffered, who joked and had fun, but the most gambling argued and fought for a mortgage. In a given day, he went on a journey, but returned empty after a week or a month or a year. Passion in Olindsii subsided, and numerous stories, writes inventive people, Alaric made a legendary figure, part epic about a terrible dungeon ... The return of Alaric's thirty years later exploded the entire kingdom. Everyone was talking about his return, but only few have seen him come out of the woods and went to his castle, and argued that the magician is not old or a year. All the gossips have been forgotten, only discussing all that has happened to Alaric in Pyatilese. Sam the magician does not give itself felt only light in the windows of an old castle testified about his return. Finally, one morning a messenger read on the main square of its announcement. Alaric promised 10,000 gold to anyone who penetrates into a dungeon, will produce mysterious secret magician and return alive. Go to the forest once stretched brave men - warriors and magicians, as well as rogues, vagabonds and swindlers (without which it also does not do any one thing, even the Magic Kingdom). One after another they disappeared in the thicket Pyatilesya and cold dungeon. One after another, leaving all brave men and heroes. Years went by, one generation after another, but still none of the deceased for the mysterious secrets did not come back and still not getting old Alaric. He only raised the amount of compensation - first to 20 thousand, then to 50,000. Fear of the Dungeons intensified to the point that talk about him no longer, sometimes for only whispered to the other "news". All this went on until, until, finally, did not appear first, returning from the cave alive - Dzhetraal.An experienced soldier, he disappeared a week - prostrate and bleeding, he was found in Pyatilese. Compensation was paid and he instantly gained fame national hero. Huge crowds gathered to hear his stories about the Underground, but he always remained silent, and eventually began to avoid donnybrook. A few months later he died suddenly. His lamented all korolestvo and even Alaric first left his castle to spend the Hero on his last journey. Nevertheless, at the end of mourning Alaric announced that his reward still stands, but new braves began to return from the woods with me half way, arguing that the specter haunting the woods in Dzhetraalya warning about the imminent destruction of the kingdom and stop calling Alaric and not to give The Curse of the Elders happen. True, it stopped far from all. Your character, in particular, is also not timid. And a couple of thousand it will not interfere: recently paid a fee for their help in the battle with the road robbers gradually comes to an end ... As in any roleplaying game, you decide who you are - a stern warrior, not sparkling mind, but a bold and clever, wise if the magician who has knowledge of alchemy, a good forester, who knows all the herbs and precision hunter, shoot slip from the bow, or a clever and cunning thief lurking in the shadows, and a wave of spikes to open any lock. You can also choose their appearance, and particularly note the work of studio artists who created a wonderful set of characters. In general, a brilliant game graphics, incredible traced catacombs, fine details, extremely good interface that does not pose any difficulty. The only place where I had a hitch - the level of magic spells. And then, even a cursory acquaintance with well-prepared documentation immediately solved all my doubts. By the way, read the documentation is strongly recommended. Play will obviously be more interesting.![]() |
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Price: 24.95 USD
Buy the game: the version for Pocket PC Hi-res (VGA) for Pocket PC 2002, Windows Mobile 2003, Windows Mobile 2003 SE
Link to the game directory
Download the demo for the Pocket PC Hi-res (VGA) for Pocket PC 2002, Windows Mobile 2003, Windows Mobile 2003 SE
Studio developer: Pocket PC Studios
Other games studio: link
Sudoku. The epidemic is on the brink - all to the vaccine!
Another epidemic struck the market of games for PDAs. Uncountable Lines and replaced Tetrisov seems endless variations of the puzzle Sudoku. Once their three appeared during July. Nevertheless, in fairness, it should be noted that the game is just as ardently as Tetris and Lines, until they are finally not stuffed "pocket" on edge. The history of the game unusual and worthy of mention. Invented by Howard Garnsey (Howard Garnes), a game called Numbers Place was first published by the publisher of crossword puzzles and puzzles Dell Magazines in 1979. In April 1984, it is in his edition of the famous Japanese company Puzzle Communication Nikoli. That's when the game gets the name Sudoku (from a Japanese su - a figure of document - the only one), which begins the march on the world. Further development of Sudoku is associated with the name of Wayne Gould, the Hong Kong judge, the first to create a computer version of the puzzle. That he is obliged game appearance in 2004, the year in the pages of The Times, following which the game also introduced readers The Daily Telegraph, The Independent, The Sun and The Daily Mirror. Events begin to develop at a breakneck pace. Just a week game migrated to the pages of publications virtually the entire world and, finally, on July 1, there are the first television show in which participants compete on speed of solving the puzzle has become famous. Of course, such a turn of events is not left unattended and igrodely. The playing field is a 9x9 square, divided into smaller 3x3 squares. Field is filled with a certain number of digits. The player's task - to fill the empty cells with numbers from 1 to 9 so that the numbers are not repeated in the row and column. Despite its apparent simplicity, the complexity of solutions varies depending on the initial combination. Of the three released Sudoku, first of all, I want to note the version submitted Mastersoft Mobile Solutions. This - the most interesting version of the game with many amenities. Firstly, this Sudoku has a great interface input numbers: When you click on an empty cage on top of the field, you are a small numeric keypad. Select the desired number and click OK. Following this, we can verify whether the chosen figure is repeated in a row or column. To do this, click on the button with the lights on the toolbar. In addition, the field can expand in all directions, which will significantly ease the task during the game.You can also undo the previous move. As a puzzle at times may require more time than is available to the employed person, the possibility of a pause - click on the stopwatch at the playground on the left. You can also compose their own puzzles and send to friends as a text file. I was curious.![]() |
Price: 14.95 USD
Buy this game: See secure-link to the page developer
Link to the game directory Pocket PC 2002 / Windows Mobile 2003 / Windows Mobile 2003 SE
Studio-Developer: Mastersoft Mobile Solutions
Sudoku Rules! from SpiralMile easier to create new puzzles and is a convenient "racking-editorial" interface. In respect of the game is good here is that given a whole bunch of different systems of tips, which, however, is not very easy to understand, and frankly, we've come to play, but did not pry.
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Price: $ 12
Buy this game: version for Pocket PC 2002 and Windows Mobile 2003 / Windows Mobile 2003 SE
Link to the game directory HPCru Download demo: for Pocket PC 2002 and Windows Mobile 2003 / Windows Mobile 2003 SE
Studio-Developer: Spiral Mile
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Price: 11.95 USD
Buy the game: the version for Pocket PC 2002, Windows Mobile 2003, Windows Mobile 2003 SE
Link to the game directory Pocket PC 2002, Windows Mobile 2003, Windows Mobile 2003 SE
Studio-Developer: DKM Software
Joker's Quest. O disguised hero of the famous cartoon
Igrodely PDAMill are working very hard keyboards ... They are simultaneously working on a collection of puzzles and the continuation of a series of Arvale. And now, arcade puzzle already on our display! ... Somewhere in the distant depths of the sea there is a fairy kingdom Lyufiya in which dream to get all the fish. This is the only place in the whole underwater world, brightly lighted Magical gems, highly protected turtles militant. None of the predator does not dare to swim in this unusual kingdom, where almost impossible to go unnoticed ... But sailing pretty princess Sefiya. Her favorite pastime is short trips around the kingdom. One day, when she usually came out for a walk, fairy kingdom suddenly plunged into darkness. "The darkness like a cloudy day, both in the shadow of the huge birds, like in a home with unpaid electricity." Terrible happened! Someone stole a pearl! And spoiled by bright light Sefiya once lost his way. After numerous attempts to find the main gate Lyufii, she suddenly turns into a totally unfamiliar cave. "Oh my God - she is frightened - now I finally got lost.Help me! "To her surprise, she immediately answers a voice from the depths of the cave ..." Princess Sefiya! Is it you ... How glad I am .. I'm glad ... you are so on time! "." Saved! ", - Thinks the poor fish." I just prepared dinner - continued voice ... "Out of the darkness stretched tentacles of an octopus Raypera vile and grabbed our delicate princess ... Meanwhile, in the kingdom , scared, hiding under sinks, and only a little joker always eyed with admiration for the princess out of the thickets of sea kale, not daring to approach, sailed to the king and announced his intention to save the princess and return the magic pearl. The king agreed and gave him in accompanied by a detachment bold, but very slow turtles. Joker rushed into the fray. He expects the mazes, puzzles, angry sharks and other waterfowl evil.![]() |
Price: 19.95 USD (Pocket PC), 9.95 U.S. dollars (MS Smartphone)
Buy the game: the version for Pocket PC 2002, Windows Mobile 2003, Windows Mobile 2003 SE, Windows Mobile 5 and for MS Smartphone 2002, MS Smartphone 2003
Link to the game directory
Download the demo for the Pocket PC 2002, Windows Mobile 2003, Windows Mobile 2003 SE, Windows Mobile 5 and for MS Smartphone 2002, MS Smartphone 2003
Studio-Developer: PDAMill
Other games studio: link
Egyptian Prophecy: cigarettes "friend" in the days of ancient Egypt
Hm. Priestess leading the investigation neschatsnyh cases in the construction? In ancient Egypt? Strange story ... However, in order. The creator of the famous Atlantis Redux, the company Tetraedge Games in collaboration with The Adventure Company, has released a three-dimensional game genre adventure Egyptian Prophecy. Pharaoh Publish II, famed for centuries his name by your deeds shall be removed from the cases afflicted. Death awaits him, but seeing his greatness on the earth, the god Amun Ra promises him a cure if he will build a facility glorifying the deity. " Pharaoh, of course, agrees, construction is underway, delivery of a million or so slaves from Upper Egypt, all is vanity, run, clap overseers with whips, the ancient Egyptian foremen working in three shifts ... But can not get on their work. That is not the solution, the obelisk of the curve, the boulders are not delivered ... In addition, all this under mysterious circumstances at a construction site foreman dies Pacer. In order to establish a business and to propitiate the gods of Pharaoh instructs it priestess Maya, and Egyptian Miss Marple to immediately take up work. According to the description, the game takes place not only in reality but also in prophetic dreams, Maya, where she has the ability to communicate with the gods and their actions affect reality.![]() |
Price: 24.95 USD
Buy the game: the version for Windows Mobile 2003, Windows Mobile 2003 SE / VGA
Link to the game directory Windows Mobile in 2003, Windows Mobile 2003 SE / VGA
Studio developer: Tetra Edge
Other games studio: link
Dicey. Bone on the table!
"Yo-ho-ho and a bottle of rum!". Knocking bones was always accompanied by pirates during their long voyages in pursuit of long golden. And, mind you, not the skeletal bones, which the pirates were also closely related as to their activities, but also because of the anatomical features of human bones and playing. Excitement of the game, I think, has caused numerous clashes at sea and wishes like "And let the sea you rest in peace." Very simple, but quite easy to use interface. Goal of the game - "sketch" all possible combinations listed below. As you can see, these combinations are very similar to poker: any pair combination with three identical numbers, Street (sequence of digits from 1 to 5 or from 2 to 6), four identical digits, Full House (3 + 2 equal the same), and Finally, Dicey (five identical digits). On each shot is given two attempts, and, by pressing Hold can hold up to five dice on the table and try my luck again, leaving the remaining pressing Draw.![]() |
Price: 5.99 USD
Buy the game: the version for Pocket PC 2002 / Windows Mobile 2003 / Windows Mobile 2003 SE
Link to the game directory Pocket PC 2002 / Windows Mobile 2003 / Windows Mobile 2003 SE
Studio developer: Xi-Art
Other games studio: link
Pixelus. Tiled weekdays Emperor Claudius.
My friends! We are pleased to inform you that after a period of stagnation studio Astraware alive again and went on to a vibrant and wonderful activities. Meet the compilation of puzzles Emperor Claudius. On a remote island where he got after the collapse of its fleet, the emperor to appease the gods, restored the beautiful mosaics that adorn many temples of the island. According to the principle of the game reminds Exact DeluxeWare, however, there is more puzzle game than arcade.![]() |
Price: 19.95 USD
Buy the game: the version of Palm OS color / Hi Res / Sony HiRes + / Palm OS 5, Palm Tungsten T3, Pocket PC2002/Windows Mobile 2003, Windows Mobile 2003 SE
Link to the game directory Palm and Windows Mobile
Studio developer: Astraware
Other games studio: link
Fire Squad. Golovolom as the main tool of the fire.
Fire brigades speeding through the city with the deafening roar of sirens and all respectfully step aside because they are brave smart savers. Yes, it is smart. You do not think that extinguish fires is so-so, Khukhra-muhry? That would have to think. Here, for example, multiple fires, and you only have one account? Need to plan because the whole chain so that the water at the same time put out all at once. And yet at the same time should not touch the wiring. We have three types of connectors - corner pipe at 90 and 135 degrees, as well as T-shaped dividers. Single stream of water should be using these items to send, so that all centers have come under pressure of water from our brandspoyntov. Think, plan. It's not so easy. Very neat and comfortable to play with a well thought-out levels.![]() |
Price: 9.95 USD
Buy the game: the version for Pocket PC 2002, Windows Mobile 2003, Windows Mobile 2003 SE
Link to the game directory Pocket PC 2002, Windows Mobile 2003, Windows Mobile 2003 SE
Studio developer: Archae
Other games studio: link
EZ Pool. Billiards for Dummies.
Long time did not take us with you in the hands of the cue. Studio with a strange name not-big-deal brings us back to the atmosphere poluosveschennyh individuals and smoke-filled rooms. There, where with ivory meets polished wood. Just two species pool included in its game studio. In EZ pool your goal - pocketed as much as possible balls. A foul in which a transition stroke is hit in the pocket the cue ball without touching a single ball.In this case, the cue ball left in the pocket and the game continues rival. Transition progress also occurs if an impact no ball is potted. The winner is the player who scored the greatest number of balls. In EZ 8 balls balls are divided into two groups: whole-striped and painted. "Own" a group defined by the first ball pocketed in the pocket. Forbidden to kill a white cue ball and pocket the black ball. In the first case there is a transition progress, and the opponent can place the cue ball anywhere, and in case of plugging a black ball you lose. The winner is the first one to score all of their balls, plus a black ball. Type of game you can choose from the menu Options, as well as other small settings. Cue ball in the EZ Pool is determined by a stylus click on the appropriate ball. The point of impact assigned to cliques stylus and joystick "left and right." To determine the impact force, press and hold the joystick in the "down" to strike release. Overall, not bad, although the game somewhat flawed. Uninteresting menu, and graphics on my iPAQ 2210 worked fairly slowly.![]() |
Price: 6.99 USD
Buy the game: the version for Windows Mobile 2003, Windows Mobile 2003 SE
Link to the game directory Windows Mobile 2003, Windows Mobile 2003 SE
Studio developer: NotBigDeal
Other games studio: link
Treasure Roller. Make or break the cube for an epic hero
This game is older than me. Invented in 1974, the year, Dungeons & Dragons rightly considered the "grandmother of the modern RPG-gaming." It was she who became the progenitor of this genre in the era of paper-based board games and that is in it first appeared the very same elements that now form the basis of most manufactured computer role-playing games. Most likely, this is it we owe the appearance of such favorites as Diablo, and Might & Magic. And yet ... Even in the normal desktop version of his game still retains a huge following. According to the 2004-th year, Advanced Dungeons and Dragons (kind of games, produced in 1977) played 20 million, while sales of manuals, books and related instruments totaled $ 2 billion. In the desktop version of the player chooses a way by which they want to appear in the game (warriors, mages and clerics), and "race" (halflings, dwarves, elves, humans, and others). Gaming space, as well as major game events are created by the leading roll of the dice, the so-called Game Master or Dungeon Master.![]() |
Price: Free
Link to the game directory Pocket PC 2002, Windows Mobile 2003, Windows Mobile 2003 SE
Studio developer: APWhite
Tesla Ball. Mutant Arkanoid
So we got finally to the last game of this review. Tesla Ball. Interesting idea and a bad performance. Sad menu. Here, unfortunately, sacrificed quality for three-dimensional. And although all could be quite interesting and really well planned, all of these spectacular three-turns will not replace quality of simplicity. Nevertheless, the game itself is not bad. The playing field is a magnetic field, which is located in the center of a glass ball. Around him moving platform controlled by us. At the beginning of the game on the playing field appears constantly moving and fighting off the walls of the sphere metal ball. Our task - to prevent a clash of metal and glass balls. Over time, the game appears more and more balls and is increasingly difficult to cope ...![]() |
Price: 9.99 USD
Buy the game: the version for Pocket PC 2002, Windows Mobile 2003, Windows Mobile 2003 SE
Link to the game directory Pocket PC 2002, Windows Mobile 2003, Windows Mobile 2003 SE
Studio developer: Shade Eye Productions
The authors, translation:
Vladimir Ghukasian