So our trip begins!![]() |
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Conclusions of Day:
GPS for Palm Vx shows that he had found as many as 12 satellites for a long time to move to the small screen some numbers. Waiting for results is delayed, and in fact does not end. So it is not clear - the receiver has identified its location or not. To make sure that the satellite signals received clear and you can work on, you need to go to another application (NMEA Monitor), but it's not very convenient. Another subject - eTrex in conjunction with the Cassiopeia "savvy" is much faster: catch the satellite signals and then displays the accuracy of the coordinates.![]() |
N 66 59 21.5
E 65 28 40.4
Skiing - some forgotten since last year feeling - so captures us that the leader remembers his mission support progress "just after lunch. We decide to make a groove out on the Grand Pass, unless the weather allows us. Just the weather causes some doubts. On the one hand, it seems to be sunny and clear but cold and wind reduce those charms to naught. Besides from some creeps a cloud. Head gets the treasured box with the devices and navigation equipment shifts from it into the large pocket of his wind jacket. He wants to test the Cassiopeia E125 and GPS eTrex and Palm Vx in motion, but ... nothing good comes of it.Polar Urals "width =" 400 "height =" 254 "/> |
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Conclusions of the day:
ETrex GPS-receiver can withstand the cold of about forty minutes. Otherwise, to invent, as it is thawed. The reason of the periodic dumping of cards on Palm Vx - correctly identified the first time the coordinates of the binding. Apparently when they installed the GPS-receiver was not yet on the operating mode. Anchor Points Cards can be edited manually, which we did.28.03.01
All the morning set to pass a beautiful pass Vodopadny, which begins at 50 meters from our tent, and consists of three stages of the azure pure ice! The truth is found in places still water, apparently overheated sun. The weather is good: cold, wind and sun. We have already realized that here, when you talk about the weather, of wind and you can not mention. It means always the case. Since the weather is just great!![]() |
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Conclusions of the day:
In just two days hiking already shown the first laws in the work of our navigation equipment: a Cassiopeia E-125 on cold weather becomes a little darker screen, but this is adjusted by simply increasing the brightness. Palm Vx screen freezes in the cold, it becomes darker and starts to "slow down", is slowly re-drawing the image. But in the Palm Vx is a very useful application that allows you to use a GPS-receiver as a compass and determine the deviation of the magnetic meridian.I must say, very useful quality in the Polar Urals, where the deviation is no more - nor less than 22 degrees!![]() |
N 66 56 28.5
E 65 26 38.0
Height night: 687 meters above sea level.
Who would have thought, how will that day and how it ends! Gray windy, but fairly warm morning. According to the plan we have planned to undergo the pass called Unexpected. In fact, we just need to go through a narrow part of the plateau. But this was not so easy. Initially was poor visibility - 150 meters, then the visibility had deteriorated to 50 meters. When we realized that the pass is somewhere nearby, has almost nothing to make out it was impossible. Put the cat and began to climb. And when the came out on top of the plateau, we realized that would be better if we were not doing this. Upstairs raging snowstorm. We searched for quite a long time more or less suitable descent, constantly bumping into the cliffs and rock dumps. According to the map relative to the normal descent was only one a special place.![]() |
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Conclusions of the day:
The events of that day suggest that the main use of GPS in travel may be precisely the orientation in bad weather when a compass or a map to use either hard or impossible. Perhaps that take a similar set of navigational equipment worth even if it is useful only once. With proper configuration, and the skillful use of all of these "technical bells and whistles" in a campaign can greatly help out and possibly save a life. The coordinates of the night:N 66 55 25.3
E 65 20 48.0
After overnight fighting with the elements awake late. The blizzard is over, and after a visual inspection of our locations we conclude: Cassiopeia with our views on this are absolutely identical.![]() |
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The next three days can be arbitrarily combined, since nothing significant happened. Our route lay to the highest point Paypudynskogo array is just a few hours away by train. Per minute unloaded at the correct station, we just ran for four hours in the frost, and with a strong crosswind to almost imperceptible line (a few trees and bushes) in front of "our" top and put the tent.![]() |
N 67 06 50.7
E 65 18 52.3
Height night: 185 meters above sea level on the testimony of Cassiopeia.
205 meters above sea level on the testimony Palm Vx.
Nobody could imagine that in the morning the weather can be so gorgeous! The sky is cloudless, and, most striking, there is no wind. At quite a decent frost in the shade, we climbed the sunny side of the mountain t-shirts! On this day dream of all travelers, especially those that are technological advances in the Far North! We climbed to the top Paypudyn Chorro and saw all the mountains around the Polar Urals. But even this magnificent sight could not distract from the campaign manager of his mission. We somehow came to the summit of beauty, but it - check the instrument readings. Technology, for the umpteenth time, did not disappoint. All figures displayed on small screens, are consistent with visual observations and our simple two-kilometer map. That was the end of our adventures in the Polar Urals with Palm Vx, GPS eTrex and Cassiopeia E-125. Now we know that the best tan is acquired under the Vorkuta, the strongest winds constantly blow at Vorkuta, most unforested mountains are also located under the Vorkuta and navigate in these mountains is best done with satellites and modern technology!![]() |
N 67 09 34.8
E 65 17 21.2
Height top:
1082 meters above sea level on the testimony of Cassiopeia.
1091metrov above sea level on the testimony Palm Vx. The rise took about 4.5 hours.
On the descent the following results:
Our top speed on the descent 27,5 km / h
Average speed of our movement 3.2 km / h
The path to the top of 5.82 km
Time 1.56 hours is significant that the newly defined after the return of the coordinates of our nights practically coincided with certain earlier. Discrepancy only in fractions of seconds!
N 67 06 50.9 5 meter accuracy
E 65 18 52.8
Polar coordinates of the village:
N 67 03 28.9
E 65 20 58.7
Findings on GPS-kit:
Pocket PC part (Cassiopeia + OziExplorer CE):- Scalable map.
- Ability to work with a color card (when driving on rough terrain in the summer of informative maps of increases in the number of times).
- Information line, which shows the main parameters (coordinates and elevation). No need to go into other applications or dig with a GPS-receiver.
- Ability to work with the Cassiopeia-volatile memory modules.
- no limit on the amount of cards
- card will not be lost when hard reset
- You can store the software distribution and backup
- You can store information (coordinates of the points and so forth) in non-volatile memory
- Ability to quickly change the batteries on your PDA.
- The absence of binding function maps to the terrain and the correction of this binding.
- Binding card directly on the ground, correcting the binding maps manually.
- Charge the battery Palm can only with the help of special devices, simple replacement is not possible.
- Program sizes are small, the speed of their work is sufficient.
- The presence of the spectrum of specialized programs (Atlas, Tracker, Compass, NMEA Monitor)
- Long connector between the PDA and GPS allows the use of the complex so that the work is taken out of his pocket only PDA (eg, rain).
- Device independent of each other and can be operated separately (if the most GPS provides such features and functions).
- Replacement of the CPC to the new model does not require replacement of the GPS-receiver, enough to buy a new connector cord.
Polar Urals "title =" Peculiarities of the National GPS-navigation. Polar Urals "width =" 400 "height =" 207 "/> |
CPC provided by MakTsentr
GPS-receivers provided by CB-Grad.
Invaluable assistance in the preparation of the expedition had Pavel Bulgakov Sergey Aleshin.
Discussion of the article in the conference authors, translation:
Anton Kuznetsov
Svetlana Kostygova
Yuri Kostygov