A reporter asks the big businessman:
- How did you manage to put together such a state?
- When I first set foot on American soil, in my pocket was only a dollar. With him and began operations.
- How can you have ordered this dollar?
- I paid him for the telegram in Berdichev. "Dad - I wrote, - quickly send as you can." Factoring, banking, consulting, franchising, marketing, trading, and, of course, leasing - the inalienable satellites dizzying career. Unfamiliar words, which are increasingly in our ears. Every now and then meets a young and promising people, enthusiastically discussing the subtleties of consulting and marketing for some small basement bottling plant taburetovki in some promising offshore area (so, check again, like all keywords in this proposal was put:). Big capital, acquired over time on the same taburetovke, not so easy burden. First, remove all the 100 rooms in the mansion, such confusion! Secondly tedious tennis with business partners, constant presence in the smoke-filled rooms of elite clubs, and countless handshakes, the endless meetings with people and the eternal game of hide and seek with the elements of artistry. Comes to you tax, but you have to portray a deep sleep, in order to demonstrate the clarity of intentions, a clear conscience and full payment of the state. They are so, and that way - and poschekochut and tell jokes ... And you can not laugh, no, no. You are fast asleep. Bewildered tax forced to retire nesolono-handed. At this time, had carried. And you, smiling with relief, running perepryatyvat money. "Earthly life is passing by half, in a dark forest of life you are beginning to visit the desire to do something significant, and you decide to invest in eternal values. For example, in football ... And finally - silence in the performance of the brave workers of the sea:) In short, not so easy to be a tycoon. So, in today's review - a business game. Games on care and organization. Games at the meeting. Games, which confirm my personal experience, which showed that, before anything can in business, it is possible, perhaps even requires a number of unsuccessful attempts and dedication. Like many other games for Pocket PC, games in this review as sin ambiguities interface and lack of detailed documentation or help file that describes the rules of the game, so in addition to reviewing the basic parameters, I will share a number of discoveries made by the "spear." I remind you that all of the following titles you'll find in our section "Programs."
So today, in our review:
- Tower Mogul
- Medieval Folk Healer
- Market Mania
- Dope Wars
- Lemonade Tycoon
- Fish Tycoon
- MiniPolis 2
- $ Tock Trader
- BigMoney
Tower Mogul
Version for Pocket PC
Pearl of the present review, the owner of a variety of prizes, Tower Mogul is a classic game genre Sim. Your task - using the provided tools, to build a skyscraper, and regularly monitoring the feedback of visitors, engage in building a system of communications, sanitary services, security services, increasing the number of both corporate clients who shoot in your building, office, and the guests of hotel rooms and rented apartments. The more they have, the greater will be the rating of your building: you start with one star and should bring the number of stars to the promised five. As the rating is also more complicated tasks. At the same time expanding the toolbox. For example, to obtain the status of two star complex, you have the right to build and lease a bookshop, mini market, a shop selling musical recordings, as well as security services, pharmacy, underground parking, new hotel rooms and more.Initially, you can get lost in the variety of rooms, but the developers have provided a number of facilities identified during the game.
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Medieval Folk Healer
Version for Pocket PC
Game from the developer Trisystech takes you to the age of the Inquisition, where you take on the role of a medieval healer - the keeper of family secrets herbal medicine. You have to carry their knowledge to help people. To start, you need to dial the desired plants. They can be found on the outskirts of the village, or buy on the market. You can also sell the surplus accumulated plants to buy those rare species that you are not able to gather. In order to make every plant in the drug, to work hard so that you may not be able to help address your suffering right away, so try to stock up in advance. From a few plants able to facilitate one or another illness, some may be strong enough, so be careful and multiply knowledge.
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Market Mania
Version for Pocket PC
The famous Cascata Ltd. left a paw on the speculation. Rather, imposed a paw on your speculation. In the Market Mania you play the stock market. All of the rules. Here and so popular now, mutual funds, and a margin account. The game is based on a randomly rastasovannoy deck of cards. Each card represents a certain number of shares of different companies. B game are stocks of companies of technological sector and the New York Stock Exchange (Big Board). During each turn you can make one sale and purchase of one card from the deck. Among the cards from the deck caught also the ones that mark a certain event in the market - you can pull the increase stock price, and can decrease the index of self-fulfilling, so that your condition is much reduced.
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Dope Wars
Version for Pocket PC
"... Over time, drugs had become a lucrative business. Here and there a sudden surge in popularity began one of the many drugs at the time, and we worked part time so that the drugs were taken from one area of New York in the other, watching the emerging market of this kind. " Dope Wars storyline is based on the "War of the drug barons" John Della. Your character - a drug dealer. When you try to download a demo version from one mobile portal, I had a separate window to confirm that I am over 18, which I did for one of the other games not previously done. And although by itself, this program was innocent - replacing the drug on eggplant and renaming the drug dealer in a farmer might just as well to play it (although the game you have to sometimes shoot from the police, but then the farmers have sometimes shy away from taxes) - the emergence of such titles that promote violence and crime, becomes, unfortunately, a characteristic phenomenon.
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Lemonade Tycoon
Version for Palm OS and Pocket PC version
Here it is - my favorite. The first of its kind, that little thing for me personally, marked the beginning of an era of good games on the PDA. I am sure that experienced users PDA is already familiar with it and will share my delight in her address.For the lucky ones just recently purchased the PDA - a short course of entertaining trade refreshments.
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Fish Tycoon
Version for Palm OS
"... The island of Isola Lagoon was beautiful. In it lived a lot of fish of rare beauty. Seven among them are special, magical species surpasses all others for the elegance of their shapes and colors to perfection. Then something happened, and wonderful views disappeared ....». At that point, you fish-farmer. Exhausted your views known to the world. Only you can help restore its former glory with the watery world of the island of Isola. Will begin with a few species of fish and a small aquarium. Selling and buying their new species, using a variety of medications, the new environmental conditions and scientific development, conducting numerous crosses between three categories of fish (from most common to rare), you will have to restore these seven species.
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MiniPolis 2
Version for Palm OS
No it is not "Monopoly". And set up the game is not producing "Monopoly".Just the opposite, MiniPolis 2 is based on the rules of Anti-Monopoly - the main rivals in the game are not monopolies, and monopolies, and representatives of competing with the private business.
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$ Tock Trader
Version for Palm OS
So you and the broker. Now cami and mopped. No special graphical bells and whistles. All hard and dry - the language of numbers, but because brokers and real marquee enough to be completely happy. In the end, a serious matter, does not like jokes. Attentiveness, memory, concentration. Otherwise - crash!
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Version for Palm OS
Playing with the original name - analogous to "Tetris" and the famous Bejeweled, o which we wrote earlier. Coins of different denominations and different "nationality" (euro, dollar and yen) fall into a cube of size 13h15 cells. Noting the blocks of contiguous identical coins, igorki destroy these blocks, thus avoiding the fields, while coins all come and arrive, and, depending on the level faster or slower.
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