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What is biometrics?
There are two ways to give of yourself to know the system or to a stranger. The first - to give information which you possess, such as a password or pin-code. Second - using the fact that you have, for example, key or ID card. The problem of passwords is that people constantly forget them or write on a piece of paper that is then lost. ID-card and the keys have a tendency to often be lost forever. Biometric systems solve all these issues, making a password yourself. It is unlikely that you can lose yourself (unless, of course, do not overdo it with drugs, but this case is beyond the scope of this article). Even your clone can not fool a biometric scanner, because anyway there are many differences in the retina of the eyes, fingers and other important detail. Cries and lamentations of those who have stolen a PDA or cell phone - nice music to the ears of the developers of biometric technology. In 1999, sales of their equipment was $ 100 million. In 2002. According to experts from the international trade association of biometrics (International Biometric Association trade group), this figure will increase to $ 600 million. Various biometric systems can scan different parts of the body, but as soon as data collection took place, the principle of their action is absolutely identical. The computer converts the information into binary data and compares it with pre-recorded into a database model. If they match, the computer confirms that just crawled personality - the same person as the one who wrote the original code. Please note that the database keeps the underlying code, but not the image of a finger, hands, eyes or face. It's a little easier the event, but did not soothe all worries about the full disclosure of the identity that is stored in a database that plagued some users, because any hacker can break the system and get the codes of biometric scanners.Biometrics and mobile technology
Biometrics are already widely used in the world. For example, the U.S. Immigration and adaptation of passengers (Immigration and Naturalization Service Passenger Accelerated Service System (INSPASS)) applies a system that allows use of hand geometry to verify identity and authorization of intersection of the immigration line. At airports across the country are tested scanners to detect people terrorists. Stock Exchange Stockbroker Charles Schwab uses voice recognition technology to verify their customers. While biometrics has taken strong positions in banks, airports and the secret services, and desired a tasty morsel for it still remains the possibility of using a handheld device.A dozen companies are working on integrating the retinal scanners, fingerprint and voice recognition to mobile phones, PDAs and laptops. Scanners are smaller, cheaper and become more accurate, which can be used in mobile devices, without increasing the size, weight, cost and power consumption of the latter. Voice recognition and fingerprint - the two major biometric technologies, expected to be used in mobile and wireless devices. Both of these technologies are safer than the number of PIN-codes, and can provide users with easy access to banking information, voice and e-mail and other private records without prompting for a password. Voice - the best choice for mobile phones, as in this case they do not require additional hardware. In addition, this technology is integrated into the phone. All you need to do to the system - it is written "voice print" which is as unique as fingerprints. Biometric systems that analyze the user's voice, pay attention to the type of pronunciation, tone and intonation of voice. To protect against hackers who simply could record voice owner of the device, many systems ask users to repeat a few words, chosen randomly. This is sufficient for the device to ensure the presence of a living person, rather than recording the film. Company Nuance, Trintech and Dialogic already make similar applications of voice recognition for mobile devices. In most cases, voice recognition is ideal for identifying "mobile" user, but there are cases where this technology is totally inappropriate. For example, if you wish to make a purchase from an online store using a smart phone with a color screen, you will not be very convenient to hold the device near your ear and say something to him. In this situation much easier it would be to use fingerprint scanning. Imagine a small area on the mobile phone the size of a postage stamp. It can be placed at the location where normally at your thumb when you hold the device in hand. When you take it, the scanner sends a signal to the microprocessor phone, which compares the finger man who took it with his finger the true owner. If they match, you can work with your phone on. If you do not match, the phone is locked, and sends an appropriate signal to the operator. The company AuthenTec, based in Melbourne, Fla., recently presented the technology EntrePad-sensor array size of 6.5 square mm, recognized the world's smallest fingerprint reader. It is designed specifically for mobile devices. EntrePad fingerprint scans, located directly beneath the first layer of skin, which can be stained or injured and thus distort the results. Several employees AuthenTec for testing purposes recorded their impressions, since sufficient time has passed, but it can still be see. The company is currently working with Texas Instruments to embed their technology into chips that will be used in future wireless devices. Company Precise Biometrics, Applied Biometrics Products, Fujitsu and Mytec also offer low-cost scanners, fingerprint smallest size specifically designed for use on handheld computers.I see you, I know you
Today, when the market appears more and more mobile phones with built-in digital cameras, biometrics opens new opportunities for themselves - the human face recognition system. Company AcSys Biometrics Inc. recently announced a technology for handheld computers, and its main competitor - the company Visionics - to create a mobile version of FaceIt for wearable computers. The system was tested Visionics U.S. military police, and she used it in conjunction with GPS to scan individuals fundamental visitors in order to avoid crossing the criminals. But let us ask ourselves the question - not whether biometrics will usher in the transition of mankind in the era of total control, supervision over all and all? Who wants to live in a society where electronic devices will remember those who use them. Remember, at what time and even in some place ... Those who expect to receive some income from the biometric systems, of course, tell us what to worry about.As a conclusive argument, it cites the fact that every time you enter a PIN-code into a mobile phone, we tell the computer who we are and what are going to do. Biometrics is doing the same and has the added benefit of preventing fraud. I unfortunately can not answer this argument, but I want to know exactly - not whether biometrics can take us there, as proponents of freedom of thought, describing the unintended consequences of systems, originally created for good purpose. As an example, then you can bring social security number that is assigned to U.S. citizens. It guarantees pensions. And when his time was introduced the numbers, the state gave the promise that they will never be used for identification. Today in the U.S. without social number, you are neither able to open a bank account or visit a doctor. Now imagine that the state wants to have access to accurate information about each of us. This information is in the hands of corrupt officials can be used for blackmail. And people who realize that watching their every move, can begin paranoia. Thus, biometrics, of course, has great advantages, but does not carry a risk of introducing it in the privacy of everyone? I can not definitely answer this question. I wonder what you think about it. Sources, Materials:TheFeature
The authors, translation:
Mark Frauenfelder