"Send me a rather one of hardkeysov, and preferably two, and I forget to sleep undisturbed slacker ..."
From a letter of Bidder Competition "sheathed his Palm" is completed. Lined up, lucky winners will receive their prizes ... And just a couple of news, a so-so, the second - just super. Let's start with nevazhnetskoy news. The winner could not be found. Alas ... Now the news is great. Since the winner could not be found, the prizes are awarded to all contestants. That is, this is the "hardkeys for Palm V get everyone who has sent a terrible story about a small computer. Hooray!
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This most hardkeys .... |
Once I saw the Palm
One of the most philosophical stories about your car sent Alex. Give it verbatim: "Once I saw the Palm into the store and bought it. So I live since ..." After reading these bitter lines, one of our staff, middle-aged family man wept like a little child. And here is another story in the same vein. She sent Vladimir. "I began to have nightmares about Palm. I got up and realized that Palm was cool. Now I do not sleep." (Story edited slightly - some of the letters in the e-mails always somewhere to disappear). After this letter, we had to pump water because the editorial ladies have filled an entire office in tears. Another story, naive and simple, like myself old Palm. "Once my Palm crashed onto the concrete floor. And all that I have left - this is my Palm working with a small scratch." What is there to add? The entire team at full strength HPC.ru hardly any thunder disability. Heart-it is not an iron ...Delicate, yet delicate
From mild scary turn to horror heavier. Here's a story that due to excessive naturalism can not quote verbatim. So try to retell it in your own words. In short, one boy felt an urgent need to look ... let's say in the classrooms. And he, a clear pepper, looked back. And in the process ... peeking took, and dropped the phone into the most ... put it gently - subsoil. Well, he had the technique to get out of this filth. And then visited the boy is quite natural thought - well, that it took him ... to look only slightly. A different technique would be Khan. True, it was not a Palm, a cell phone. But what's the difference? Still scary ... Another story that we first give in a free presentation, and then supplement quote. A young lady named Olga talks about the fact that it runs on your Palm `e. If a girl is visiting a beach, then programmke iSilo she reads stories. If you do not visit the beach, runs PalmaSutra, which he calls "just super (for those who understand)." Any guys out there and girlfriends Olga records in the address book on your computer. Well, and so on ... Now we quote: "Palm - super stuff, all the guys just baldeyut, when sagely go poke." At the Grand Prix this story clearly does not pull. While on the other hand - PalmaSutra and again guys baldeyut ... M-m-yes ...And the dead with the braids are
And now the real horror. (Freddy Krueger, durilka cardboard, resting). Writes Mr. Sidorov. "It was the summer on the street, holding his Palm` a in his hand. It was not meddling with anyone. And now young men, whose faces were disfigured intelligence, tried to crank with my participation banal "Gop-Stop".One particularly ardent, stretched out his hand to the Palm `y, bellowing something unintelligible (perhaps was deaf and dumb?"), Others went round me in circles. I, without hesitation, Palm `angle and struck the cutting blow to her cheek Neanderthal. Gushing blood. Goblin shouted .... The other three as the wind blew. In general, washing off the blood home with valuable devaysa, I thought - well, that the body had aluminum ... "Lord, what a nightmare ... Another story - with the massacre. From a direct citation avoided (the text is fairly lengthy), tell the own words. Once Artem with his friend decide to make some (purely symbolic) yield. And - subjects. But back to this deeds, which ran into the police. Artema friend, seeing a live policeman, could not resist, and praised his gesture .... The policeman in his pocket for the answer is not helpful and affectionately praised his friend Artem rubber "demokratizatorom." And landed in akkurat on breast pocket, where lay Palm. The case settled the world (well, you see, the guys legs, fast). Back home, my friend suddenly thought - this attack was somehow soft . But about the computer is not remembered and temporarily relieved. But then the memory still floated Palm, and it is sobering ... The computer was broken screen, although the performance is seemingly not affected (run the program adjustments, and the problem was removed). Author letter describes the eyes of another accident - the moment when he discovered in the pocket of a broken computer. "I saw a man who smashed the windshield of the car, his mind is not any comparison," ... The story is a sequel. That's what wrote another "palmovladelets" or, as you might guess, "palmoremontnik." One day we brought into service Palm V with strongly bent back cover. Despite the fact that the lid falls off, Palm worked. Gentleman who brought it, not too different manners and all the while remembering some "boys". When asked what had happened, he told me that during the last "dismantling" he was given the baton. Palm was lying in an inner pocket, and hit in just over it. As a result, (the man) managed to avoid fractures. "Is there a direct connection between these two stories? But who knows ...History of us
This contest stories have not been exhausted. Among them there are stories on the use of Palm `s as a mirror, flashlight, cribs. There is a terrible dreams and grave misgivings. There are eerie story about the resuscitation of sunken cars and even a story of a love in which Palm was the object of jealousy ... but truly awful thriller was not found. As a result, we felt it unnecessary to award the first prize and the increased number of prizes to the number of bidders. And as a bonus offer his trademark "eychpiesny" horror. Enjoy, friends. In the sense - tremble, of course. "Once I saw the site HPC.ru announcement of the call horror stories about Palm. I wanted to participate, but something too lazy. Now, all participants received the metal keysiku for their machines. And I was left with nothing. All the so unhappy, the whole so sad. " PS Yes, I almost forgot ...) Prizes - wonderful hardkeysov - which, judging by the above mentioned stories are very useful to their owners, will be held on September pilotovke. More about her can be found as always on site Palmkluba. The authors, translation:HPCru