Correspondence about the article

Following the publication of the article "A Tale of the ugly duckling," I received an interesting letter from Andrei Bystritsky. We struck up a correspondence. In total, we exchanged 5 6yu letters. With the consent of Andrew I decided to publish it. The first letter I quote in full. The remaining letters I cut on the lines and everything was looking like a live conversation between two people: Andrew Bystritsky (AB) and Andrew Knyazev (AC). The text of the letter was not edited! Correct only grammar errors:)!

So, start! Here is the text of the first letter!

From: Andrey Bystritskiy []

Posted: May 9, 2000 8:31


Subject: About the article on hPCru Hi! I did comment on the matured sabzh. Better late than never;). Naturally, all of the following - especially imho;). Rushed. Now I understand why M $ went so bad case with PsPC. Sell ​​machines without Internet browser, Word, Excel and other programs - is just silly. Not stupid. In contrast to HPC, PPC - more organizers than computers. In Palm'a have Excel? Ward? None. I do not know, the latest models can, and there, but they were not organizers, but by something unknown. Wherefore I to him, and cooled;) A browser ... Are his eyes is not sorry? Go to network with the small screen of a postage stamp? Phone on him to see or check a single one-note - well, a web page to watch - it's masochism. Sophisticated. Windows CE - a powerful, file-oriented operating system and deprive the user free access to the files (no Explorer) - does not fit into the limits of decency. Some applications have access only to certain directories. Well at least that supplied the program Casio Menu, you can use to run various programs! The file manager is not enough! Again. Organizer file access is not needed. The theoretical possibility exists, and is a big plus to Palm'om. But the average user, who is such a machine is designed, it is never necessary. Producing apparatus that focuses on communication, without the browser program (the more so because he was present in Windows CE 2.0) - Top incompetence! And when it says that this device is intended for communication? I, frankly, not quite understand why there e-mail capabilities stuck ... Thing that I was most amused / saddened - is the lack of close buttons application. Yes, here it makes it difficult to live. TaskalTaskMan - rulez foreva:)) To work is indispensable editor Registry. Well your really not true. For picking in the system can, and necessary, but for work - is not needed in FIG. So, this is what is obtained: TFTP server can act as WWW, FTP - weak? No way! There are no words ... "Our ship is equipped with a swimming pool, solarium, billiard room, an observatory and a disco. And now, dear passengers, fasten your seat, please, belts, and we with all this garbage on board will try to take off." Why Pocket PC www / ftp-server? Someone cord in his pocket held? Or there are enthusiasts who buy the handheld for the server work? When the same money you can buy Pentium with Linux? No, I do not understand ... PsPC quite suitable for normal operation and system administration (my discharge - AB). Suitable. Yet it is suitable, it seems, for nailing. Well, how can conceive of using the handheld system administration?! Yes, anything can happen. But in a just in case there VNCviewer, from which one can reach to any computer and do all that urgent need. A primary goal PDA - to be the organizer. Here's what he did would not hurt, it's built-in cell phone, preferably - GSM with SMS. Then he would have been finished goods. All in one bottle - and telephones, and telephone number, and e-mail address, and he e-mail (or "modem", or in the form of SMS). Well, probably another CF-card poemche and cheaper - and walkman'y rest. A video, web - for such a machine is nothing more than thingies. Enjoyable, no doubt, but, at best, secondary. Regards, Andrew

And here is the transcript of the conversation:

(AB) Hi! I did comment on the matured sabzh. Better late than never;). Naturally, all of the following - especially imho;). Rushed.(AK) Hello! With Successful You! Everything's great! Do not expect to write! Now I will shoot back:)! For starters, a few words in defense:)! The article began to write with a sense of indignation when changing Casio A-20 to E-100. I missed a lot. Emotions have decided to leave. (AP) Well, they are designed for different things ... (AK), right, for different. The only difference is that the A-20 is mine, bought for my money and E-100, I took the test! And compared with the A-20 I really did not have much. That's why I considered the E-100 from this point of view. A-20 I took for a well-defined objectives - replacing heavy laptop for the purposes of system administration. If you read anything I wrote (links on my site), then everything looks slim and beautiful ... (AP) And I will not argue with that. Just saying;) that the E-100 and PPC in general is rather strange for this purpose use. And, accordingly, to measure them by this yardstick. (AK) Do not have anything to say! Nothing strange! I used to think so, too, that de must take a keyboard machine and everything! (AB) Yeah to hell with it, with the keyboard. SMALL SCREEN! (AK) Small, of course. What to do? But much better than the Palm IIIc! (AP) Well, at Palm, I do not look for a long time. If the Borg took - everything you put out the light. :) And then, even though it's Microsoft - CE dyuzhe I like it. (AK) and I really like it! (AP) A Pilotovtsy can relax:)) (AK) You know, at my work (read the documentation, search the internet, reading email, system administration) proved that one can completely avoid the on-screen keyboard PsPC. The main problem - the small screen, and the inconvenience caused only work with telnet and VNCviewer. And working in the 'Net, read e-mail and documentation is very convenient! (AP) Well, if convenient - if any question is no. But to me - uncomfortable. (AK), to each his own ... (AB) is not the issue. (AK) is not the answer:) Then, PsPC much safer than HPC, TC does not have a drop-down / moving parts. It is lighter, smaller in size (from the laptop because I refused and that it is heavy, and I was with them still need the tool, CD, and other "junk" to carry). (AP) Now I understand why M $ went so bad case with PsPC. Sell ​​machines without Internet browser, Word, Excel and other programs - is just silly. Not stupid. In contrast to HPC, PPC - more organizers than computers. In Palm'a have Excel? Ward? None. I do not know, the latest models can, and there, but they were not organizers, but by something unknown. Wherefore I to him, and cooled;) A browser ... Are his eyes is not sorry? Go to network with the small screen of a postage stamp? Phone on him to see or check a single one-note - well, a web page to watch - it's masochism. Sophisticated. (AK) Disagree! WinCE PDA is planned as a full replacement of the big PC and notebook. This, in fact, is her strength! (AB) I do not know who it was planned that, but how can there be a full-fledged machine without a keyboard and a screen smaller than 12 ";)? This is ridiculous. (AK) Well I did not buy it:) The rest see above ... (AP) Well, but then why talk about it? "Then it was necessary at the beginning of the article put the excuse: I was supposedly interested only in admining and all. And then after all the basic functions - contacts, calendar, synchronization of this case with the desktop - you do not mention. This is not criticism - just a "clearly mark the targets, comrades!":). (AK) You know, I'm not a book for "dummies" he wrote, I have this car for the first time in his hands he held "setting out what I was interesting features of work. (AP) Excuse had to put in the beginning, excuse:) (AK) Uchtu! (AB) Actually, the most important - proper excuse;). (AK) I - my dog ​​is not mine ...: ). And the contacts, calendar, synchronization of ALL WinCE machines (except WinCE 1.0) is practically the same (for HPC PRO and Pocket PC in addition it is possible to synchronize Pocket Access database and Pocket IE Favorites)! And about the goals you have nothing, You read that " fighters "in most of the writing contest on" Hand of computers? "If - no, that honor - it is useful: If you read, then you know that almost every article," no reason ". And you say:" clearly mark the target, comrades! "(! (AP) No, do not read.;) (AK), Honor, Honour! Useful! (Link: (AK) You know, in the end ogenayzer for $ 500-700 - is too much, you can do and pad. (AB) For 500 - yes. That's why I bought the E-10, when there were colorful. $ 200 for such opportunities - more than good. Even 300. (AK) Knowing MS, I would have a machine with 4MB of memory for no reason would not have bought! (AP) Once again - looking for anything. I'm on it from the "leftist" programs worth Russifiers, raspoznavalka manuscript is normal (and not ugly Jot), a couple of simple toys and everything. Well, set Tascal. All, I do not need anything. From this machine. (AK) You know, then why do you do PsPC? Just to be? In my opinion, this is too bold, even to pay $ 200 for such use! In your place, you can get cheap (RUR 500) ogenayzerom Casio (there are copies of Tetris - those expensive - 800-1000 rubles) and a piece of paper in a cage and pen to play tic-tac-toe, battleship, points and so on. Then even "set Tascal" is not needed! (SB) No. I prefer to pay for the opportunity to have additional functions - voice recorder, e-mail (in the future), etc. And as too fat - they are after all meant to be clever organizers. And the organizer, I had (only Citizen). PPC is much more convenient. By the way, PalmPilot, too, was. :) (AK) You see! Do you even have plans for the future:)! (AP) And then. Now, if more were CF combo - modem + network, it would be great. And then me and then, and what you need. (AK) Unfortunately, like this (actually running on the CE) is the only PCMCIA! And even then, there is not a complete modem and RS232 .. (AP) By the way, you've got on that list is Xircom'ovskoe combo for which it is written that only one half of a driver. But in the same list is Xircom'ovskaya same card from one of the half. IMHO, the driver of it should be fine, though not a fact. (AK), so need an external modem! What's next - we'll see! But it seems to me that the need for simultaneous operation with a modem and a network for PsPC no! (AB) Agreed. But the reluctance to have two cards. I have a laptop and a combo. Very convenient. And for pickpockets:) God himself commanded - in the laptop, then in the end, usually two slots, and both cards can shove. In Sesheke a just one. A replacement card - neither they nor the slot does not add to life. (AK) The people want the opposite! Bought a "toy" to keep that contact, books to read and think: "Maybe she is still what can?". I'm not in vain "garbage suffer! Me a lot of letters comes and questions not just about "contacts, calendar, synchronization, and about OPTIONS! Need to "squeeze" of PsPC all 200%! (AP) Maybe the question is no. I do not argue with that. And the fact that _takaya_ machine should not be major, for example, the book depository / chitalischem. Subsidiary - and why not. (AK), right, home basic db PC! In the mission, work outside the office the main db PDA! (AP) Well, about "db" - I disagree. I am a beech almost everywhere drag. But in general, do not really want to LDCs and LDCs Pro, and the book A5, two screens - I am more than agree on the black and white, only bigger dpi - although b 120, and flash a little more. Or two CF slots, and one - Click!, But better - MicroDrive. Incidentally, this MicroDrive - as it had with the compatibility with "old" CE devices? Type my E-10). (AK) You're just KACHEK! Laptop is very heavy! I carry it Zaretsky district! (AB):)) But do not do it to do:)) (AK) Pro compatibility do not know, but I think it should work! Though it is necessary to MakTsentr ask ... (AB) I wonder too, how he manages with batteries ... (AK) And that will do the Honourable Sir, if he will send a attachmente Word file or Excel? (AB) must see. I did not use e-mail at RCF. I am confident that we can a) keep messagi on the server, and b) to download only the first lines. Or simply pick up attachment. But really read vordovy or ekselny file on PPC - for any price. (AK) can be 100%! But if the trip (I travel very often) need to look at these files - what to do? And why does "not for any price? I have half the documents in DOC and PDF! (AB) I'm not saying it's for everyone. I spoke exclusively to himself. And for any price - because to me with such a screen to read more than two screens in a frank strained. Only the sight coffin, and so not so hot what.That is to say to you, I understand that PPC did not need, or rather not enough. At least the LDCs. A HPC Pro, by the way, have not tried it? Clio Vadem or as it is there? The pictures - zelo lulu, though not as portable. (AK) No! You just assert! "And I will not argue with that. Just saying;) that the E-100 and PPC in general is rather strange for this purpose use." - Your words! You "strained" and others when necessary - just! (AP) Well, I'm after each word "IMHO" put? ;) (AK) Do not pollute his speech by saying pests! :) (AB):)) And then it turns out - see my remark. (AK) Do not pollute his speech by saying pests! :) (AK) I do not understand ... HPC Pro I tried (HP Jornada 680) - an excellent piece, self-sufficient! PsPC lacks just that, about what I wrote and article! A Pocket PC - is also a complete, self-contained product! And as for the Vadem Clio better not even tell them there are here, and the service is not quite clear ... What about the Internet. See the webpage for this Device is really hard (sorry for eyes), but the reformation (see screenshot to the article) is quite possible! (AB) Screenshots look. Disgusting. (AK) And in my opinion is well turned out, high quality:) ... (AP) The quality of the screenshot - yes:), but the content: (. (AK), and quality - in! "And the content - in:) (AB) The taste and color ... (AK) EXACTLY! And what if I trip and improvised is a phone and PDA? I'm also not a pervert and not going online with this sechit nedokompa when the hand is a 1280x1024 (1024x768, 800x600)! (AP) Go to an internet cafe or a friend:). (AK) You know, when I was in Kiev (last month) and for fun decided to visit an internet cafe when he heard about the 64K channel - was very disappointed (maybe they have 64K on the other measures the:)), and familiar with an Internet in the "lower -xyz "will not always find ... (AP) A dial-by AAP and the 64K you will not:)) (AK) I accept, will not. They have for gonorrhea at 64K, at best, was 9-14K for 6 PC! And by Dailami, Apu the same 9-14K (worst) case, and the ONE! (AP) Ah, yes. Remain familiar:) (AK) I wonder where to find a friend with an Internet in every town where you come!? , ((AB) do not have a hundred rubles, a hundred friends:) Take a bunch aka Fido by ip in different cities and towns:))) (AK) I hope you are not in all seriousness! (AP) In every joke there is some fun, as we know ... That Kaliningrad (Königsberg which) I almost became a mother this way. Though I was there and was not even once. Windows CE - a powerful, file-oriented operating system and deprive the user free access to the files (no Explorer) - does not fit into the limits of decency. Some applications have access only to certain directories. Well at least that supplied the program Casio Menu, you can use to run various programs! The file manager is not enough! Again. Organizer file access is not needed. The theoretical possibility exists, and is a big plus to Palm'om. But the average user, who is such a machine is designed, it is never necessary. (AK) This follows from the previous one - organizer access to the files is not needed, and a computer - on the contrary! (AB) Agreed. But so far nobody has convinced me that the PPC - a little complex, but not cool organizer. And the operating system and routers are:) (AK) try to convince:)! There, that's for sure:)! (AB) does not convince. Because in his pocket a big screen is not zasunesh. If only to lay down a few times. Here IBM will bring its "electronic paper", then we'll see. And yet - do not get physical. As it is impossible to fly faster than light. Well, you can still set the lens in place. How TV KVN shaggy fifty years:). (AK) "The enemy does not give up our proud Varyag? On-screen - all right. Large and good screen in your pocket is not zasunesh! But he was there and did not need you! PsPC is fine! :) By the way domestic technology "KVN" has a future! To reduce power consumption, weight, size screens compact devices will do just based on this technology (ssylochku afford to lose)! Small clear screen and the lens (no glass of course)! (AB) is needed! NU-wives! NU-wives! :) I want to read on the subway. And lying on the beach. At 200 dpi in A4. (AK) cool, in the rush hour on the subway with a monitor A4 probably ...:) (AB) Well, the newspaper turns out - why not get a monitor? (AK) This paper crumpled and bent in different directions! For the experiment, you try to book in hardcover A4-size off-peak hours to read! If you come out - then all is well:)! (AP) And then I have not tried. And as usual laptop (what there is in them - A5, B5?) - With polpinka in virtually any crush. (AB) to issue machine-oriented communications without a browser program (the more so because he was present in Windows CE 2.0) - Top incompetence! And when it says that this device is intended for communication? I, frankly, not quite understand why there e-mail capabilities stuck ... (AK) All the latest stuff dryuchki-oriented communication is not:). Tell me, please, and nafig need it if I went to the trip, but I read the mail must !!!??? (AP) It? For the same, which notebook. IMHO. But, yeah, you're right - e-mail needs. But the pre-browser - IMHO, no. Want (such as, IMHO, minority) - becoming a Party. IMHO. In the end, the nose PocketPC:)). (AK) I wonder if I have an urgent look at the documentation in HTML format or an urgent solution to the problem in an Internet search! It's all ways suitable (WAP you saw - a small window at all!). The most important thing - to find information! At any cost! (AP) Once again I repeat - clearly articulate the problem and solve it. Those who frequently appears in such a situation does not make sense to buy PPC - it is not convenient to do so. Surely there alternative, why izgolyatsya? (AC) Right! For your purposes need ogenayzer Casio for 500 rubles! Why izgalyatsya the money to overpay! (AB), I prefer it E-10. Organizers and the pilots have already passed, do not like. Organiser you will play an mp3? ;) (AK) No, of course, but your E-10 does not normally play (! (AB) E-10 - yes. (Although, in the end, and you can listen to mono - again, the size vdvoemenshe). A PocketPC - play. But the recorder in E-10 is even decent. (AK) Agree! (AP) The thing that I was most amused / saddened - is the lack of close buttons application. Yes, it makes it difficult to live. TaskalTaskMan - rulez foreva: )) (AK) 100% true (BAB) to work is essential editor Registry. Well your really not true. For picking in the system can, and necessary, but for work - is not needed in FIG. (AK) You understand, it's in a figurative sense. With Regeditora can easily get by without having to reinstall the programs if they have Time Expiration. (AB):) (AK):))) (AB) So, this is what is obtained: TFTP server can act as WWW, FTP - weak? No way! There are no words ... "Our ship is equipped with a swimming pool, solarium, billiard room, an observatory and a disco. And now, dear passengers, fasten your seat, please, belts, and we with all this garbage on board will try to take off." Why Pocket PC www / ftp-server? Someone cord in his pocket held? Or there are enthusiasts who buy the handheld for the server work? When the same money you can buy Pentium with Linux? No, I do not understand ... (AK) About WWW almost agree (although I, for example, are sometimes thus emulate the Internet, where I spend courses). What about FTP - strongly disagree! If you do not listen to MP3 - you do not understand, but if you tried to upload a 60 min mp3 music on COM port at once understand:). To 10 Mbit grid much faster! (AP) Why then ftp? Share the directory does not? And then, my deep conviction - a place to MP3 CF. (AK) I wonder how you share the directory on your PDA? And if you share the directory on your PC, the browser rocks only 1 file! Need a ftp-client etc ... (AP) A by using a file browser? Well, Tascal'a no network drives, yes. The rest, too? I just do not know. Then, even if you do it by ftp - FIG server on the PDA? Client can not do? (AK) Y PsPC "cut off" Explorer! Do you understand?! There is no built-in file browser! (AB) You _mne_ is saying? :)) (AK) Sorry! (AB):) (AK):)). And the "3d party developers" or only Inet browser or file manager. Everything! Dead end! Why are you so afraid of the server? It is small (much smaller than the smallest ftp client). Launched and no worries! From large companies "walk" on PsPC and share files anywhere you like! And if PsPC put a client, the team needed to "floating" keyboard typing ...(AP) Why a keyboard? A PenReader on the E-100 that was not?! (AK) No! (AB) Heh! How's that? "Hand-held computers also pre-install LE + PR. Or do you specifically knocked down? And then I PenRider dyuzhe too much. I even Russian-screen keyboard did not bet. (AK) And where did you get that I E-100 in "handhelds" taking? (AB), E. .. I do not know:) (AK) since there MakTsentr still present in the credits! And for "hand .." I just took the network card! A LE I tested NEWEST! To him even the PR have not yet done:)! (AP) So PR is not "to him." Which is, he is given. But one that is - dyuzhe good. (AK) ... or manually select the files (ftp client depends on the text or graphic) that are not very comfortable, and do not need. Especially on all large companies, where established stack tcp / ip, a ftp client, but the server - NOT! (AB) All right? .. Now, however, is cavil:) (CA) course at all! Text FTP client - a standard utility like ping included in any stack of tcp / ip! (AB) A. I did not know. Well figs with him. (AK):). In my experience I say that this is the normal way! Naturally, the place mp3 at CF! It was there and swing! You can certainly say that it is easier to write mp3 on a CF on a laptop or CF readere - but I do not have, and spare no money! (AP) Oh, no. If you take the CF - it is only with the adapter to the desktop. Or PC Card. I find it easier, I have a beech there:). Incidentally, there are also inexpensive adapters CFfloppy. I do not remember whose, but even in Moscow is. Also, of course, not a hurricane, but certainly better than laces. (I hate laces, perfect hatred:) (AK) almost agree! But tell me, why should I, who have a network interface card (because it is I really need), still pay for additional "Pribluda? (AB), E. .. All the same, because you pay for a network card for the RCF. And it is, afaik, more CF-adapter. What flopovodnogo that the PC-card. (AK) If the CF-card costs $ 40 - yes! (AB) Damn, I'm here I do not remember ... O, Please - Adapter CF - PC Card - $ 10, CF - FDD - $ 27. While there, the latter seems to be just 3.5 "reader. (AK) Well you see, horseradish - horseradish is not sweeter! (AB) do not agree. If you love mp3, then spend tridtsatnik at ease once - at least, I would not deliberate. And then you said about $ 40:) (AK) Pro TFTP - a separate conversation. If you want to CISCO Router alter - just smeknesh what was going on! (AP) In-in. Only FIG whether to do with PPC? "Then it is directly from the watch ...:) (AK) is not serious. ... The answer is above nafig notebook to carry when you can PsPC do? (AP) So I'm talking about something and say - IMHO, it is impossible. ton of bricks, in general, can be Zaporozhets carry on - but if you do this regularly, it makes sense to buy a Gazelle. (AK) Well, here you go again: "It is wrong you, Uncle Theodore, eat a sandwich ..."! I f you told me so with a full all things have to carry! So PsPC - the most it! easy it is, you know?! (AP) All persuaded. (AK) Hurray! (AB) PsPC quite suitable for normal operation and system administration (my discharge - AB). Suited . yet he is able, it seems, for nailing. Well, how can conceive of using the handheld system administration "Yes, anything can happen. But this just in case there VNCviewer, from which one can reach to any computer and do all that urgent necessary. A primary goal PDA - to be the organizer. That's what he did would not hurt, it's built-in cell phone, preferably - GSM with SMS. Then he would have been finished product. All in one bottle - and telephones, and telephone number, and e -mail address, and he e-mail (or "modem", or in the form of SMS). Well, probably more CF-card poemche and cheaper - and walkman'y rest. A video, web - for such a machine is not more than thingies. Enjoyable, no doubt, but, at best, secondary. (AK) You're too bent, it is emotion! With VNCviewer can be accessed only on a computer with installed VNCserverom! (AP) Exactly. And with his network handle any computer. (AK) and the "foreign" network you will VNCserver deliver? It Well - a potential hole! (AB), E. .. Another analogy. In a good Swiss knife is always a Slotted and Phillips screwdrivers, a steep - and Pliers with a small saw. But the mechanic, who earns the money, always walks with a tool box.I hope to develop the analogy should not? ;) (AK) This analogy, I'm sorry, did not understand: ("In this case, you and your laptop does not help! Pro phone, where the" All-in-one - and telephones, and telephone number, and e-mail address, and he e -mail .. "- well (by the way Siemens from CASIO is this and do!). By the way, judging from this offer you have already changed their attitude to the" soap "on PsPC:)? (AB) Yes, with soap and got excited:). (AK) No comments!!! You see, all your conclusions come from the fact that PsPC - it ogenayzer. If you look at things Shirshov, then this is a normal PC, only a little! I wrote an article from the perspective of the engineer in charge of Internet technology and system administration! From this point of view, everything is OK! With pleasure has podiskutiruyu on this topic! (AP) Exactly. I just think that "each vegetable - its time." PPC grossly inconvenient for the Internet (as a web) and dministrirovaniya. Just because it has no keyboard and small screen. It can, in principle, be used for this, but, IMHO, in case of force majeure. And therefore to lament the fact that he does not have that and that - not quite true. Yes, the interface in the CE 2.1 is obvious shortcomings (Eliminated, like, a PocketPC). But things such as Word (given the NoteTaker'a) and Excel for PPC - is too much. Yes and the file browser too, frankly, not much need - when you use PPC in its original as clever organizer. (AK) PsPC MAY be used for administrative purposes and the Internet not only in the case of force majeure, but also directly! (AP) Sure, maybe some of you are arguing. (AK) Hurray! Matter of habit! I loved it! And as soon as the Pocket PC - just buy (the truth will test first:))! (AP) Well, if you like - if any questions. ;). But I - no. On the small screen - only the organizer. (AK) 500-1000 For rubles:) (AB) crap:). Its organizers let the Japanese use themselves. I changed it to a pilot on a 2-meter course. (AK) No comments! (AP) A 1-year post-graduate pilot has been dropped on a tile with a height meter, which was a good excuse to buy Cassiopeia:). (AK) RIP Pilot! PsPC - rulez forever! (AB) Adnaznachna!

Regards, Andrew. (AK) Best regards, Andrey Knyazev (DOOMka) Authors translation:

Andrey Knyazev