Psion Revo Plus by

Remark: Screenshots listed in review were increased amounting and therefore may be fuzzy. The actual picture quality Revo is not satisfactory. It crisp, pure and very bright and perhaps enlarged or reduced using icons scalability that situated in bottom left.

At first glance,

Description New PDA from Psion with enlarged memory and supplemented ON
Dignity 16-Mbyte RAM, Opera for EPOC and WAP-browser enclosed in addition to embedded applications
Shortcomings No backlight no slot expansion
Manufacturer Psion (
Price $ 399 at retail
Assumptions about how will be the next device from Psion, has been set. Most of you know that the Psion is one of the members of the consortium Symbian, working to create a new generation of devices, including over a hybrid PDA and mobile phone. It turned out that the released product - it's just ulushenny option already exists.
Psion Revo Plus by
We have already talked about some of the details associated with the Revo Plus. According to these details, the new Revo would have increased to 16 MB of memory, built-in WAP-Browser, Opera Web browser, and building green. Now when Psion officially presented Revo Plus, we can tell that new Psion represents from itself actually. The first thing you notice looking at the Revo Plus, - this is the case. Instead of the usual dark blue (which always seemed to me the black), new housing is gray in color.
Psion Revo Plus by
In addition, in the place where the old model proudly logo Revo, now written REVO PLUS.
Psion Revo Plus by
The following external difference - it is an inscription about 16MB screen left of the icon "System".
Psion Revo Plus by
And the rest looks Revo Plus and Revo looks exactly the same. With regard to internal changes, Revo Plus has a built-in 16 MB of memory, instead of 8-Mbyte first Revo. Furthermore, motherboard Revo Plus was adapted for installing additional memory modules. On the other hand, still remained an ARM processor 710, clocked at 36 MHz, and built-in rechargeable batteries. In Revo, users are most discontent caused failure of memory expansion. Despite the fact that this problem persists, a 16-MB to 8 MB of - a big plus in favor of the Revo Plus. More memory - means more programs with whom can work and consequently, Psion Invites additional software on attached CD. First of all, it's Opera for EPOC. If you watch the news, you should know that not so long ago signed an agreement under which Psion will license Opera for EPOC, to use on their devices. Prior to that, Opera has been available for download on the Series 7 and netBook, but there was no word on other devices, Psion. Now Opera is distributed with the Revo Plus. The latest version of Opera - Opera for Epoc v3.62 Release 1.01 provides reliable operation with a browser on the Revo, and now on the Revo Plus. In other words, you can conduct banking transactions and to make commercial orders are literally in the palm of his own hand.For those wishing to CD remains the Web, a standard browser on the Psion, though Opera is much faster and better. Another program that comes on CD, called WAP. You may remember that the beta version of the WAP site located at and, despite the fact that there was a full-featured, be required to indicate their own gateway. Apparently, people from Psion to think carefully - and new software to Revo Plus includes a WAP gateway with the spelled out, given Psion. Psion also launched a new WAP-site "PsionWAP" on At PsionWAP provides links to a number of services that can be accessed with a WAP-browser including, for example, electronic mail, weather reports, news and more. A little later Psion is planning to publish a list of other WAP-sites, which can be viewed through a browser.
Psion Revo Plus by
It may seem that the Revo Plus - it is not particularly bright new, but do not forget that the release of a new product means lower prices for the old. This means that if the Revo Plus is priced at $ 399, then the price of the Revo will fall to $ 329 in or even up to $ 299 CompUSA (prices in the U.S. - Ed.). We must also take into account that in addition to the powerful new program, Revo Plus still has the standard built-in applications. These include the Agenda, Contacts, E-mail, Word, Sheet (compatible with Excel spreadsheets), Jotter, Calculator, World Time and more. Now, when I briefly described to you the dignity of a new device, it's time to talk about the shortcomings. First and foremost, the main disadvantage of Revo - is the lack of illumination. Unfortunately, Revo Plus suffers the same. If you are looking for explanations of this fact, I heard that the screens Revo technically not allowed to use lights. You can accept or not accept this explanation, noting that even a small LED can work wonders. I also want to note that Psion did not care about updating PsiWin 2.3. Anyway, Psion, apparently believes that the program is in order. And then, I would like to see built in support for ACT! or other useful applications. In my opinion, every time a new product comes out, productivity should spend some time learning the software from a third party and the selection of the best for the dissemination of this unit. All new PDAs from other manufacturers are equipped with the AvantGo. I heard something that AvantGo for EPOC is in development, but at the same time, there are already some interesting proposals that could fill the vacant niche. I was in doubt as to whether good or bad thing is that Opera will not be included in the embedded applications. Frankly, at first I was disappointed to learn that the program requires a separate installation, but after realized that this is very good. The main reason - I want to know that I have the opportunity to upgrade this program, instead put "patches". Also, I read on the site Opera, Opera for EPOC which will be supplemented and updated the next version, Opera 4.0, will be free for owners of 3.62.
Psion Revo Plus by
Before moving to the pluses Revo Plus, I would like to note the strange similarity between the Revo Plus and the new Palm VIIx. First, they both have a small addition to the name of its predecessor. Secondly, to improve and in fact, and in another device - it's more memory and updating a list of standard applications. Revo Plus could be Revox ... But it would be too! I wonder who who stole this idea? :) So back to the pluses. The first advantage - it is memory. Despite what you might want to take more than 16-MB, double the memory - it is a huge step forward. For example, in his Revo I work with Opera and a set of other applications. When I run Opera, I have to make sure that all other programs are closed, or not enough memory. With the Revo Plus and its 16 MB of memory, this problem disappears.I was not able to install on your PDA JVM (Java Virtual Machine) for Opera. Now I can count on support Java. Also, I like to play in Goby (Game Boy emulator for EPOC - Ed.), And as a result, I have carefully selected games that can be stored on the PDA. With the Revo Plus, this problem goes back in time.
Psion Revo Plus by
With regard to any additional software, it's great to have a quality browser on the Revo! Nice to see third-party product, Opera, among the standard set of applications. As for WAP, I waited a long time that the program will be free or will be presented with a new product Psion. My assumptions were confirmed: Psion introduced a new product and will soon open a site for downloading WAP. It seems that the Psion is going to seriously push WAP. Indeed, much nicer to have WAP on Revo Plus, what dab in awkward keys cell phone. Again, if you've gone through all the difficulties of connecting to the service provider, you can not work with WAP, and with a full Web-browser. Let me return to my question - why not AvantGo for EPOC? Already there are a lot similar to the AvantGo software. Why can not their turn came with the device CD-ROM? Except for an additional 8 MB of memory, Revo Plus, you can create yourself: Opera for EPOC is already available, and the WAP-browser will appear soon. But, of course, as mentioned earlier, more memory - more options when dealing with browsers. One more thing: if wondering about what, when Psion will acquire podderzhakoy USB, then I heard that a set of USB for Revo Plus for Mac and PC are currently under development and will be available soon.


For quality I give Revo Plus 4.5 out of 5 stars (Geekheads, notional unit in the evaluation of devices - Ed.). Not so long ago, I surveyed the previous model Revo and gave it 3.5 stars for quality because of lighting and some other stuff, but now, when the Revo Plus increased memory and a standard suite of applications includes Opera and WAP browsers, I realized that I could only take full points for the lack of illumination. I use Revo to October 1999, and I already had to face great inconvenience due to lack of lighting, I really do not have enough light. As for colors, I'd like something more vivid, but I've heard that a consultant by the color of Psion believes that America does not like the bright colors. Seems to me it's time to change the Psion consultant, especially when you consider the appearance of Palm m100 with a stylish design and colorful interchangeable panels. For convenience Revo Plus deserves all 5 stars. I have used various PDAs, but the Revo is still first in terms of convenience. Ability to conduct daily, store contacts, edit and view documents directly on the journey, connect wirelessly to the Internet, manage e-mail, and now WAP ... A little more memory and the ability to expand - and Revo Plus will do the most convenient PDA, it is true then the device is much more expensive and its form factor will increase. Now the retail price for the Revo Plus is $ 399, while the old Revo in many places has cost $ 299. It would be nice Revo Plus sold for $ 299, but if you count the cost licensing Opera and WAP browsers, it becomes clear that the price of $ 399 is justified. With its expanded memory, and standard Opera and WAP browsers, Revo Plus Zana its deserved place in the list of the best devices Pick. Sources, Materials:

The authors, translation:


Joel Evans