Better to see once
Do you think for one was released a software emulator of Palm OS? That's right, for software developers. But really he was "fired" in an adjacent area. The emulator has become the most effective tool of advertising, making it possible to any potential user computers Palm acquainted with the merits of the CPC, in fact, try to utilities that get used to the interface pocket typewriter. Now, not quite a direct association (although in fact there is no straighter). If in computer shops near vitrinkoy was set from Palma and keyboard to it, if everyone was curious ability to type on a tiny screen is a few words, the sales of foldable keyboard would have jumped ten-fold. For the convenience of working with this thing on the eyes does not recognize. Only practice, only a personal experiment. And, mark my words, few people remain indifferent to the Portable Keyboard. She will lead even those who fundamentally do not write (except, again - "do not forget to drink with your neighbor") ... After working with a folding keyboard, I understood why her fame stretches nice, but useless device. Because the articles are written about her vpriglyadku without the need for an objective assessment of practical experience. And apparently she actually looks unpresentable. Some projections, slits, a clue. Not quite the usual set of keys. Little some. One word - nonsense ... And we need a whole - to try. A seller - not to be greedy. From one guinea keyboard, exposed to public torture, the office is not broke.A good will - a wagon and a small truck. Even the copyright on this idea is not put. I give a reason. Very much a shame to read that Palm is not able to replace the "normal" computer. With this here keyboard - is capable of!Debunking harmful myths
It was like this. I brought home a new keyboard and perehodnichok to it. Laid out a farm on the table. He opened a plastic "harmonica" (before it pulled her out of neoprene elastic case), pulled the outer quarters housing. Keyboard waved "wings" and obediently lay down on the tabletop. The ends of quarters, I moved inside. Lifted the block system connector (fetal mouse, as in Mr. Colt "), has put forward a frame stand. Priladit tried to block Palm ... That I am so clever. And then I simply forgot about the adapter. Then he guessed (I say the same - intelligent), fastened to a shoe adapter and have it inserted the Palm. And it's gone. No, not yet gone. On the screen appeared a picture out of synchronization. To crack CyrHack II, which I use, had to download a special driver. I found it on the native site of Palm. Download, install, and returned to the typewriter keyboard connector. And then really - matter. If I had used crack PaPiRus, then the keyboard would have earned at once. But I do not use this crack. He did not take root on my computer flies. I am also an experimenter, someone who enjoys all of the tooth. A PaPiRus was little with which compatible and very moody. But CyrHack omnivorous and never slips. No translation of system messages and menus? Since the English-speaking programs PaPiRus also did not translate ... I interface translation, of course, necessary. And the same in English or a boom-boom ... On the other hand, suppose I ever will be down and out "country", but the stability of the Palm `but for me it is more important than the Russian settlements in the system menu ... Back to the keyboard. She earned immediately and without any kind "glitches". Launched on the Palm `s notebook MemoPad. I tried to write something. Pinned points. Then another one. Fastened to the third and, if sustained ears. Increase font size to the largest. Everything is visible. (Glasses removed). The screen can fit eight lines of text. If you move away from the keyboard (and, respectively, from the screen CPC) at the maximum distance, the appearance did not deteriorate. So keep the machine directly at the nose is absolutely unnecessary. Another thing is that the eight lines a bit. But when you write "from the head" - is enough. Sufficient in all other cases. We do not require the same from the "adult" Word `and that he showed us on screen desktop monitor just 276 pages? Yes it with a standard 15-inch monitor, and some pages will not display completely. And we - it is convenient ...Continued debunking
In numerous surveys foldable keyboard celebrated its mobility in the middle hinge joint. Like, work on lap uncomfortable design "plays." Let's start with the fact that the foldable keyboard in any way to run lap is not intended. Only a stable and level surface - a table, a diplomat, a table in a railway compartment or inside the aircraft. Now that the comparison is with a laptop, let me counter question - but with a laptop, despite it saying the name on your lap you can work? With his weight and dimensions (at least A4 in fact much more), prone to overheating. I had a case where I could barely any burned. Settled on the couch. Put the laptop on its burghers ... let's call it delicately - his chest. Start the movie. And since staring, slightly puffed nor ... However, this is so, a word in defense of small (ie - Palm `a) ... If we look for solution for entering text into a PDA with hands on weight or on the go, foldable keyboard is no good. But this is clearly different tasks, right? Keyboard for quick marks - one, the keyboard for long life - other. Foldable keyboard thing, rather cabinet. It allows you to organize the workplace in the most unexpected places. For example, somewhere in the garden, on the stump. And, the easiest to have the owner of a cheap machine with a monochrome screen, which is not afraid of bright light ... Or a holiday home on the table, where essentially no electrical outlets. Only the batteries in time and me - write ... Or on the balcony of a city apartment. There and the laptop will "priyatstvenno, but, again, if there is a bright natural light (not otherwise be saved even with a powerful active matrix backlit). Speaking of batteries. Foldable keyboard does not reduce battery life Palm `but little or no decrease. Power consumption so it is not essential that the rule of thumb to reduce working time will not notice ...Several dark spots
Myths myths, but there is a foldable keyboard and a few minor flaws. For example, I do not like the fact that the right central quarters during a computer is lifted, so that when you print keyboard clang on the tabletop. The point here is, presumably, is that the adapter is made in the form of a plastic spacer that increases the length of the machine. Relatively heavy Palm m125 outweighs the keyboard, lifting its middle part. I put it under the keyboard with a soft cloth and the clang ceased. Generally, soft lining keyboard does not hurt. Another trouble - not completely rigid joint computer with an adapter. No, the machine did not hang out and strives to fall out on the table. But under intense press suddenly notice how your computer is vibrating. Another "zamoroka - two slots at the top of the base of the keyboard (left and right), seemingly destined for the pen (that was always at hand), but do not hold a pen. I suspect that the feathers of the more expensive computers series m5xx hang out in these nests will not. Check until I can not, therefore, expressing only an assumption. The last drawback that such is unlikely to be. Bring the keyboard, you have to think what to do with an adapter.I was in this case helping out the Chinese (not a fact - the country of manufacture on a product not found) Handy, in which there is room and the keyboard and the adapter, and Palm `y, cell phone, and a pile of small things like pens and key rings.Notebook or not notebook?
No, of course, not a laptop. But - a PDA with normal (I stress - of normal!), Full-size keyboard. Against this possible, if necessary, write a book. And then reformat and check out this book on a personal computer. Foldable keyboard opens up new possibilities. Laptop on the road (on vacation, the cottage, in a short business trip) can not take - and the machine will tselee, and you without a working tool will not stay. I do not know how much I convincing, but it seems to me that the first accessory for handheld computer should not be fashionable handbag or a memory card, namely the keyboard. Most clearly the advantages of the keyboard can be seen against the background of properly selected programs. Yet staff MemoPad text editor can be called only conditionally. Although the editors and the table topic for another conversation. The authors, translation:Nikolai Yakovlev